we ahve a synchronous generator of 20MW. last day there was a problem of sparking on the carbon brushes fixed on two slip rings. there are two rows of carbon brushes. and in each row there are five carbon brushes on each slip rings. we cleaned the on row of carbon brush with instrument air , foe the time being the sparking minimize, but on the next days again it increases on one row of carbon brushes, the health of the carbon brush are ok . what is the reason of this sparking . is the load may effect. normally the loads on our generator is 12MW.
we ahve a synchronous generator of 20MW. last day there was a problem of sparking on the carbon brushes fixed on two slip rings. there are two rows of carbon brushes. and in each row there are five carbon brushes on each slip rings. we cleaned the on row of carbon brush with instrument air , foe the time being the sparking minimize, but on the next days again it increases on one row of carbon brushes, the health of the carbon brush are ok . what is the reason of this sparking . is the load may effect. normally the loads on our generator is 12MW.