- Feb 8, 2006
- 2
I have a small facility fed from three 2.5 Mva 480/480-277 transformers. The secondary feeds gear housing three 1500 amp Pringle fused switches, each of which are protecting a load. which are 1
rocess machinery, 2:facilities equipment, and 3: a lighting Panel board.
When a ground fault occurs on a small motor everything in the whole operation shut down. . We are considering installing a High Resistance Grounding system where we would lift the primary "center tap" ground connection to the grid and route the secondary "center tap" connection thru the HRG circuit then back to ground.
We are also considering putting a transformer between the gear and the Panelboard to isolate the single phase loads.
Does this sound like a reasonable solution to our Ground Fault dilema?
When a ground fault occurs on a small motor everything in the whole operation shut down. . We are considering installing a High Resistance Grounding system where we would lift the primary "center tap" ground connection to the grid and route the secondary "center tap" connection thru the HRG circuit then back to ground.
We are also considering putting a transformer between the gear and the Panelboard to isolate the single phase loads.
Does this sound like a reasonable solution to our Ground Fault dilema?