- Nov 17, 2006
- 4,238
I have a general question for everyone regarding post-installed anchors. We just had a brief discussion at my office regarding this, but I wanted to get others opinions.
When designing post installed anchors, do you generally use the capcaities provided in the Hilti/Powers manual or do you follow Apendix D of ACI 318?
It was mentioned in the discussion this morning that the Hilti/Powers manuals are vastly under-conservative when compared with values obtained using Appendix D of ACI 318. Hilti apparently has software called PROFUS (I think I spelled that correctly), which takes Appendix D into account when arriving at capacities.
I have used the capacities in the manuals and applied my own factor of safety, usually around 10 (depending on the application) for critical components.
How do all of you approach this?
When designing post installed anchors, do you generally use the capcaities provided in the Hilti/Powers manual or do you follow Apendix D of ACI 318?
It was mentioned in the discussion this morning that the Hilti/Powers manuals are vastly under-conservative when compared with values obtained using Appendix D of ACI 318. Hilti apparently has software called PROFUS (I think I spelled that correctly), which takes Appendix D into account when arriving at capacities.
I have used the capacities in the manuals and applied my own factor of safety, usually around 10 (depending on the application) for critical components.
How do all of you approach this?