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3.5 MW motor starting problems continue... 7

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Nov 24, 2004
A while ago, I started a thread which many of you contributed to, but that story has not ended yet...

So the issue is that a 3.5 MW motor driving a large fan has problems starting. The starting method is the soft starter. Rotational inertia is high.

We discussed several causes, such as inadequate motor, inadequate starter, week and inadequate power system, etc. But calculations show that although things are marginal this still should work, but it does not.

Today we managed for the first time to put two identical 13/20MVA transformer in parallel. Their impedance is 10.5% at 20MVA but each transformer also has a current limiting reactor 6%. However, 20+20MVA system still would no start a 4MVA motor...

System: two 13/20 MVA transformers in parallel, + about 5 MW of additional load shared between two transformers.

Motor: asynchronous, TECO-Westinghouse 3.5MW, In = 385Amp, 6kV, 50Hz, 1485 rmp, locked rotor current 2300Amp.

Fan: Large rotational inertia. The fan has no load at the present (no air, dampers closed). The Impeller weight is 15,000 lbs, and the Impeller moment of inertia (WR^2) is 66,000 lb-ft^2.)

Starter: constant current, voltage ramp ~10 sec, current limit 470%, starting time 50 sec, after which bypass contactor closes (when then speed is about 80%).

We had some luck starting and running the motor using one 13/20 MVA dedicated transformer but now with 2 transformers in parallel it would not work. We tried three times and none of the starts was successful. Each time the soft starter was manually shut down after about 20 sec since motor was creating too much vibrations and was not accelerating any more.

Problems still could be electrical, but for a change we started to suspect that there may be some mechanical problems, perhaps related to the motor rotor axial movement. If the rotor indeed does try to move, either it may not have enough space to move to the electrical center or the shaft is moving back and forth around its electrical center for some unknown reason and hitting the trust.

The attached charts provide more info. During the voltage rump time, which was about 10 sec, motor runs smooth and with two transformers in parallel the initial voltage drop is rather modest - falls from 6.4kV to 6kV. This is good news, with one transfomer we had much larger initial voltage drops. However, the bad news is that after the voltage is ramped up high enough that the current reached the preset limit (470% In), some vibrations start.

As you can see, the current and voltage outline forms on the charts start at some point having "teeth" like a saw. Once stabilized there is about 3 - 4 “teeth”/second. Just judging by the ear, the frequency of mechanical vibrations is in the same range, meaning current spikes likely correspond with frequency of mechanical vibrations.

Any idea what might be happening?
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Going by the discussion in your previous thread, this motor seems to have speed/torque issues with the fan. Have you talked to Teco people ? I have seen many high inertia fans being started with fluid couplings with not much strain on the motor or the system.

beratech had even posted some favourable numbers in that therad.
Have you considered the possiblity of open/cracked rotor bars? It can cause oscillation at Fp = "pole pass frequency"
Fp = 2*s*LF where LF = line frequency
It can reduce torque capability of the motor.

Also out of curiosity (different subject), are the currents balanced?

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ters, have you tried closing the bypass contactor earlier? This sounds exactly like a problem we had with a pump motor. We trimmed back the bypass contactor time and it works perfectly now.

If it is broken, fix it. If it isn't broken, I'll soon fix that.

Thank you all for replying.

edison123, so far we have had very poor cooperation from TECO. That outfit is located in Taiwan and we have never had any contacts directly with them. All communication went through a salesman in Canada who does provide some help but not sufficient. Generally, TECO documentation is poor, very generic instruction manual which seems to cover all motors from 5KW to 5MW... Example, instructions says that if motor is stored for a prolonged time it occasionally would need to be turned at 30 RPM. How do you turn an 8 ton rotor at 30 RPM in a storage???

We may be considering a fluid drive as my friend beratech suggested, but it is rather hard to implement. We are still hopeing that a 40 MVA capacity should be able to deal with this hard start, but probably never without difficulties.

Electricpete, currents are fairly balanced once the fan is running. During the start, they do not seem perfectly balanced, it also may have something to do with the meter display refreshment time. We did consider rotor bar problems, but so far have not done any testing to verify it. Will be working on it soon.

TurbineGen, we were closing the bypass after about 50 sec, when the speed was about 80%. We did try to close it earlier, did not seem to help much, but the issue is also that it that case it pulls too much current for a prolonged time. LRA is 2300A, so an upstream switchgear is old and the breaker has problems handling it (it is an old minimum oil 800A unit which we will be replacing with a 1250A vacuum breaker soon). Also, the bypass is not rated to FLA, but only 500Amp, so closing it on the current which is almost 5 times higher may not be the best thing to do. We also never tried a DOL start for the same reason, but maybe we could do it forcing the bypass to close first and then closing the upstream breaker after.

We just uncoupled the fan and ran the motor and it seems to be OK. Accelerates within 6-7 sec at 470% current limit. However, the rotor seem to have too much of the end play. When the full speed is almost reached, initially it moves towards the fan for about 1" (25mm), then it apparently overshoots, comes back, moves toward the fan again, etc, until in finally centers itself into magnetic center. With the coupling in place this end play is much more limited, but I’m wondering would 1” of the play when uncoupled be too much in any case? We have poor mechanical drawings of the motor and not sure how this play is limited internally, it is - there is a small nameplate on the motor saying that the end shaft play must be limited by the coupling not to exceed 4.8 mm total.
You asked about motor magnetic center. I assume this is a sleeve bearing machine. The position of the motor should be maintained by the driven equipment via the coupling. If there are significant axial oscillations you should be able to visibly see them looking at the shaft. I don't think the change in torque will be very much over the relatively small range of shaft movement expected.

Rotor bar problems to me seem a higher probability. You have the oscillations. You have a high inertia load which is tough on the rotor during start (depending on starting method). You have many unsuccessful starts which can be traumatic for the motor as well.

If you can gather enough info to determine frequency of oscillations and speed together, you can check whether the frequency matches pole pass frequency. Typical on-line testing is steady state under load and it sounds like you will have a hard time getting there. You can also attempt some off-line tests: single phase test or PDMA-style rotor influence check. If motor were in the shop there would be some more options.

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Per NEMA MG-1 for large motors, the motor itself should have endplay 0.5" (uncoupled) and when coupled the driven machine/coupling should limit axial movement to 0.19". One inch is a little surprising... but it is just a function of the motor design (location of shaft shoulders in relation to bearing). I would check with TECO about that. The motor endplay movement when uncoupled in my mind has no relationship to the behavior when properly coupled and axially restrained by the driven machine.

By the way - 6 - 7 seconds to accelerate uncoupled "at the 470% current limit". What does the 470% current limit mean... can we correlate it to a % reduction in terminal voltage or locked rotor current? Unless there is a severe reduction in voltage, 6-7 seconds sounds very long for an uncoupled start.

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Thank you electricpete. You are probably right when suspecting that this motor has had enough of abuse and that rotor damage may have occurred. The only reason why I'm now looking into the axial movement issue is that the rotor position when not running seems to be different than one when it is running uncoupled and also different from both above when it was running coupled. So we may have a trivial problem of having an inadequate coupling which prevents the rotor to perfectly align itself to the magnetic center when coupled. We cannot verify this with more details any more since we cannot start now at all with the fan (previously we were able to). Just wondering if the coupling prevents the rotor to position itself where it wants, would it reduce the torque due to rotor tendency to push or pull the fan shaft, what may work as a brake? With the coupling we have, the motor shaft seem to have minimal freedom to move either way – maybe 2 mm at most.
Isn't the axial magnetic center scribed on the shaft with reference to the static part (normally the bearing housing) ? If not, run the motor in open shaft (decoupled), allow it to stabilize at the rated speed for a few minutes and then scribe a mark on the shaft next to either of the bearing housings. When coupling to the fan, make sure that in the coupled condition, the scribe mark is in the place where it is supposed to be.

6 to 7 seconds for an open shaft acceleration seems a bit high. You need pull Teco up for their non-response.
The only reason why I'm now looking into the axial movement issue is that the rotor position when not running seems to be different than one when it is running uncoupled and also different from both above when it was running coupled.
I think you are saying there is different position and behavior during three conditions: secured, running uncoupled, and running coupled. That would be expected. The secured position simply depends on condition during coastdown... at which time there is no electromagnetic force and the only thing controlling rotor position is air forces and perhaps effect of any tilt. In the running position it is controlled by the coupling. In uncoupled condition it generally depends on magnetic center although air forces can have an effect also. Three different conditions - three different factors controlling position.

Just wondering if the coupling prevents the rotor to position itself where it wants, would it reduce the torque due to rotor tendency to push or pull the fan shaft, what may work as a brake?
The coupling should control the axial position of the motor. As edison stated, ideally when the coupling alignment is performed, position is adjusted so that motor runs on magnetic center. But I don't think that is critical. What is more important is that the motor is coupled up in a position near enough to mechanical center that it will not contact either thrust shoulder during coupled operation. If this should occur enough to have any noticeable effect on motor torque, then you are dumping an enormous amount of heat into friction and you will surely see very large excursions in the bearing temperature (did you look at that?). In theory there can be a very small change in the effective length of the core if we for example move the rotor iron outside of the stator iron. First guess would be the max change in effective length (and therefore torque) would be 1" oveor the length of the core which will probably only be 1 or 2%. There is also the matter of vent ducts lining up or not which complicates the issue a little more. But at this point I don't see any reason to be concenred about it because I don't think we have seen anything unexpected with regard to axial rotor position other than the 1" endplay (above NEMA spec which is 0.5") which would seem to be a design condition.

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Thank you gents, I’m not sure I’m answering all your questions as they come fast, but I’m trying…

One inch of movement is just my visual observation. Could be less than that but looks a lot when one watches the motor starting.

Looks like I was wrong stating the start was 6-7 sec. The chart recorder shows that the current drops to no load running current within about 5 sec.

The way how our soft starter (as a power limiter) is set to work is that starting the voltage is about 70% and keeps ramping up until the current reaches 470%. At that time, the motor terminal voltage is anywhere between 80-90%. At some point it will start increasing the terminal voltage when the current starts dropping.

You can see some details on the attached chart. The selected scale for this chart is not very good but for the next test we will stretch the start time period on some more paper. You can see that occasionally during the 5 sec start, the terminal voltage and the motor current seem to sag shortly, creating spikes at the line voltage. Is this an indication that something may be wrong, including soft starter (thyristor) problems?

edison123, yes the axial magnetic center is scribed on the shaft with reference to a static tiny pointer and then there is a nameplate saying that the pointer (which could be accidentally bent) should be 23.6mm from a static plate on the motor end. The groove area on the shaft is marked with two parallel lines which are about 6mm apart. The nameplate also says that the coupling design is to be such to allow no more than 4.8mm of end play TOTAL. Therefore, my understanding is that + - 2.4mm allowable play means that the coupling needs to "make sure" that the pointer should never be outside the groove area, motor running or not. In the reality, though, the pointer with the coupling connected is located outside the groove area when motor is not running.
When the motor is running, the shaft could stop at any point axially (to the extent the coupling allows it). More important is the running magnetic center, which should be within that scribed grooves. Any running beyond that groove may stress the fan coupling and its bearings.
If I understood correctly your description of this current limit, the voltage is AT LEAST 70% throughout the start (sometimes higher). 70% voltage would be ~ 50% torque. If it took your motor 5 seconds to start unloaded at 50% torque, then it would take roughly 2.5 seconds to start unloaded at 100% torque = 100% voltage (note this simple proportionality applies for unloaded starts, not for loaded starts). I have never heard of a motor taking 2.5 seconds for DOL start unloaded. (If you happen to have the motor inertia, we can confirm this using the torque speed curve you previously provided. ) It suggests degraded torque capability (and certainly consistent with rotor bar degradation.)

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electricpete, sorry, I was wrong assuming terminal voltage based on the chart recorder diagrams. The cart recorder we have cannot measure RMS. It just measures outline of the voltage or current forms.

So whether the sinusoidal values are chopped or not, it always looks the same on our charts – just like a wide strip. The soft starter changes the RMS values by chopping the middle of each half period, what we cannot see on this chart. “Strip” width is still the same, waves copped or not (unless chopped extensively).

The soft starter settings left in place were those used when the fan was coupled, starting voltage 40%, ramp time 8 sec, current limit 470%.

So in theory, the voltage starts from 40%. Ramp time is 8 seconds. After every second, the voltage ramps for abut 10% until it reaches to voltage determined by the current limit (which could be anything). In practice, with no fan, and starting at 40% voltage, the motor would reach full speed after about 5 sec (regardless what was the terminal voltage and motor current at that time).
Today we tried another start wit the fan connected. Results are attached.

After about 6sec of smooth run, the motor voltage and current started to oscillate significantly, changing in amplitude up to 20% and causing severe mechanical vibrations. The speed was several hundred RPM when it stalled after about 10 sec - no more acceleration. When we shut down the soft starter manually, after about 20 sec, the motor/fan continues to turn smoothly indicating that most likely electrical oscillations were causing mechanical ones, not another way around.

We started the motor with two 13/20MVA transformers in parallel, so system capacity did not seem to be an issue. 40MVA should be able to deal with 20MVA whereas 20MVA is maximum MVA drawn during the start.

Could the terminal voltage/motor current oscillations we recorded be possibly be caused by an electrical resonance between current limiting reactors (both transformers have current limiting reactors on the 6kV side) and the soft starter circuits? We are planning to rule out this by doing a test with one transformer and its reactor shorted.
You mentioned electrical resonance... requires capacitance and inductance. Do you have long cable runs or other capacitance?

Also look at your first attachment "motor start charts". The frequency of current oscillation decreases as motor speed increases. Why would resonance act like that. No reason I know of. I contrast there is a very logical reason that current oscillation from rotor bar defect would act EXACTLY like that. The frequency of oscillation is proportional to slip and so the oscillations slow as speed increases (the oscillation at very low speed is so fast you can't distinguish it on yoru chart). That would be many many times higher on my list of stuff to investigate than resonance.

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We have about 400m of cable in the motor circuit. I must agree that likelihood that some resonance happens is remote, but the test to rule it out is simple.

However, what would be a reliable test for determining rotor damage, is there is test that can positively indicate that and if yes, what equipment we need for such testing. To do a visual inspection by opening the motor is a major undertaking. It would be much easier to install a spare motor which we actually have.

Another indication that something went wrong with the motor is that we used to be able to start it with one transformer and now we cannot do it with two!

But to make things more complicated looks like we have some random problems with the soft starter too… If you look at the two attached diagrams, which are both for a start with no fan and starting voltage 80%, one start had an apparent problem – SCR’s would stop firing for some reason for 0.1-0.2 sec and it happened three times for 5 sec. These sudden voltage sags could be even heard if standing by the motor as hesitation in acceleration.

So looks like we may have broken motor and broken soft starter. The only good news is we have both spares…
There's something strange with the oscillations. Look at the current. The peaks alternate + and -. I would expect to see the peaks occur on the + and - sides at the same time. Are these graphs showing all three phases superimposed or just one phase?

Something is wrong with the starter that is causing the drop-outs.

You really need to get the manufacturer of the starter and the motor/fan together before you cause more damage with the trial-and-error approach.

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