- Nov 4, 2022
- 1

A double storey college building is to be designed. It has been recommended to use continuous brick masonry wall footing in the geotechnical investigation report. Allowable bearing capacity is 0.65 T/sft and minimum depth of footing is 4 feet. Please note that masonry wall will directly rest on the PCC pad as is the case with typical masonry wall footing.
I have considered central 9" brick masonry wall (between two 28'×22' classrooms) for design. I have considered 5" slab that will directly rest on the walls.
I am attaching a file. In this file, I have first calculated loads that the wall is bearing. After load calculation, I have chosen minimum width at which ultimate bearing capacity shall be less than Qallowable. Uniform loads I have considered for the design have been mentioned in the file.
Architectural drawing has also been shared with you. All outer walls are 13.5" thick. Inner vertical walls of classrooms are 9" thick and horizontal walls of classrooms are 13.5" thick. Internal 9" vertical wall has been considered for design.
You are requested to peruse the file and share your opinion on if my load calculation and design methodology is correct or not, and whether for the central 9" wall the width of bricks masonry wall footing that I have chosen is correct or wrong.
Link to file: