I am teaching English to person who as above. He manages a bulk carrier- coal, a car carrier and another vessel. What sort of discussions would he have the captain and chief engineer since these vessels are highly automated and monitored? Thank you in advance...
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Responders missed the key word in the original post- first time to do this SIZE of this type of pump (Not first time to do this type of pump). A magnitude up or down can be significant I do 1000 barrel/hr and this new application need 10 barrels/hr. Careful reading would have saved a whole heap...
I think clandestinho wants to have some idea of how bad such a film will look after some time in the use.
clandestinho- how long in sunshine (I assume) will this film be exposed and where?
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You might want to be more specific about the infra-red frequencies that you are talking about reflecting or absorbing. Its a big spectrum.
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Use translation assistance for Engineers forum
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You'll still crumple zones, seat belts and air bags with a perfect self-drive. There are road disasters that reveal at such great rate e.g. truck's wheel disintegrates, train derails, that leave an instant reaction/ pre-prepared (expert precautionary) computer unable to fully prevent serious...
You should detail the troublesome springs and treatment programme to get a good answer.
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for ten of thousand of credible research on climate research as against the limited number of loud mouth climate scientists with no scientific credibility because all their predictions are failures.
The minimum size for a water drop is larger than drop of diesel due to hydrogen bonding and its related water surface tension- hundreds of molecules whereas a drop of diesel only dozens due to weak bonds. The minium size of drop doesn't matter since its impossible to have a hole in order of...
Carbon taxes (as are carbon credits) are rife with fraud. Imposing a tax on a invisible gas that everyone produces either deny everyone produces anything or just expect bogus claims of productions. Are you going to tax animals and nature which emits a lot- much which is difficult to quantify...
Its not novel to dry wood before burning.
Livestock corn production competes with food production. Everything is renewable.
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There are lots of women in STEM academia- particularly in "soft" fields like environmental engineering.
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All practical steels can form martensite. Its just a matter of a minimum level of carbon and suitable cooling rate from an austenitic state- its just that the so called ferritic steels require an excessive cooling rate that is hard to do and would cause cracking and distortion and the...