Who on the project team wants to do this? How does placing the joists directly opposite one another on either side of the wall help the project? Chances are this doesn't work out over very much of the floor area anyway because of openings in the slab. Are the joists exposed to view? Is this...
It sounds like you have a 3m tall CMU sail over the stem of the conc retaining wall. I would dowel the CMU into the top of the wall and apply wind loads. If you want to use the intermittent (concrete??) columns, perhaps the CMU can be supported on three sides using bond beams within the CMU...
It sounds like the Owner placed your drawings on the shelf and sometime between 2021 and now commissioned a new design. How do you know that they are building from your design at all?
If this exercise is for pricing, I think the Contractor and the Engineer could work for the buyer. If the objective is to perform construction at the property, the Contractor can't work for the buyer - he doesn't own the property!
I have designed foundations for a handful of PEMB projects. I have not considered the continuous footings adjacent to the spread footing in resisting sliding, but I agree there is some legitimate amount of contribution. Determining a reasonable limit on the effective length of footing is a...
OP: Agree, checking shop drawings can be somewhat boring, but it is very important as clearly explained above. In going from school to work you may have been caught off guard by the shop drawing review portion of the job. Not every aspect of working in an office is previewed by a course at...
The change in elevation shown in Option 1 is too large for a single step. Step the foundation down using two or three steps along the length of the wall.
In your second photo, there is a thin horizontal white band between the glass blocks and the top of the window frame. What is that? Perhaps it is a steel plate with hangers placed between the glass blocks?
Use a concrete pad for equipment anchorage. Anchors can be set in fresh concrete of pad using a template. Tie the concrete pad to the slab with reinforcing steel. Akin to using a conc pedestal between a footing and a steel column base plate. Also to accommodate long anchor rods a concrete...
I would prefer the software product. However for transparency I prefer Mathcad worksheets that I write myself. I've also done a handful of decent C (not C++) programs for more complex problems.
I've never understood why someone who is capable of writing wiz-bang Visual Basic code (btw I'm not)...