This is within a plant environment for Tank Car loading rack grounding. Ie the Portion normally occupied by cars to be insulated from main tracks. And all rails in the insulated section to be bonded together. This is per bonded to loading arms and loading rack structure and grounded or...
What are the relevant standards for grounding and bonding of Rail Road tracks ?I know Article 250 per NFPA talks about grounding and bonding but i am looking for very specific information on the applicable standards in this case?
I have an existing Radar Level transmitter on a Tank with a HART protocol. I want to hook up a pressure transmitter to same tank but on the already existing loop. what is the best way to run thisn connection as i think thisnis possible since they have same HART protocol.I need very clear ways...
It uses a Float switch.. The waves in the sump make it stop and start. I am thinking of putting a pneumatic time delay relay. Let me know what you think and any other ideas you think could work better
For a pressure switch that is connected to a rupture disk which also has a PSV. Is it advisable to have the same set point with that of the PSV or a little lower?
Oh yes, when the ambient is cold, sending pressure down to actuate the valves typically results in the stems getting twisted and damaged. This could be due to the sudden response of the valves after the very low temperature
What are some of the options or solutions to consider if its possible to restric airflow to a few valves that are thawing out to to avoid twisting the stems. Any ideas will be very welcome. Most of these valves have actuators with Air/Air Actuators with a speed of 1''/sec and have a size range...
Due to PDC-2 not having an emergency Generator and its consequence when there is loss of power from the main grid. The need to implement a Tie feeder breaker between PDC-1 and PDC 2 and run cables. This is to enable power supply to the UPS fed from PDC-2 without having to depend or use...
Oh thanks. I think I misunderstood part of your explanation. I will be putting it between the start and stop bottoms and like you said . It’s the simplest circuit there. That way I can still retain manual control and also have automatic control for emergency shut down on low oil level and low...