Look at the table to the left, that will tell you what row to use: based on the deck sheathing, nails, and width of the joist/truss you are nailing into.
The numbers you list are the nail spacings for the criteria listed. So for Case 3 loading, the continuous edges are parallel to the force...
Creep. I think the biggest reason to avoid using unreinforced polypropylene beams is the huge creep to be expected under load. It could also be a problem with reinforcement as well if the shear deformation continues to increase through time away from plane-sections-remain-plane assumptions...
This is crazy information! Especially the letter from SEAOI. As an Illinois SE who passed the SE-I and SE-II my first attempt, back in 2007, it was a completely different experience. The SEAOI course did a phenomenal job at preparing me for the exam (along with the 10-15 hours weekly...
These responses are great! I had all three of these thoughts as possibilities, and I completely agree that this is a poor way of communicating the reinforcement. I could see jed's stance in that the short bars are only on the bottom for a short length, and I can see KootK's stance that the...
I am evaluating an existing floor for the weight of a nuclear medicine scanner. The structure is concrete joists and slab with concrete beams. One bar placement and bending diagram is provided that includes both joist and beam details. The typical top bars, bottom bars, and bent bars are...
I have some flexicore info that shows 1020A-D43 (Flexicore designation 10R43) as having (3) 1/2" strands. phi-Mn = 59.82 ft-kips/unit. d=8.25". I have span tables for this without the topping from Calumet Flexicore in Hammond, IN dated September 7, 1978.
I do not have span tables that include...
Thanks all for your input. It seems like we are split on whether to grout at once or one cell at a time. Maybe I will follow Fox's advice with the shear reinforcement so even if he is insistent on separate pours, we still have steel tying it all together. I will also follow up with the mason...
HILTI's PROFIS software (free) used to do this. I have an older version of their software so I am not sure if it still includes cast-in-place anchors. I believe the biggest restriction for the cast-in-place anchor depth is 25" maximum. It does not design the weld to the tube. That's easy to do.
I have a project with a 40" deep (5 courses) reinforced masonry beam. The mason is proposing to build this and grout this one course at a time. He would build it like 5 bond beams on top of each other. I cannot find any notes in ACI 530 regarding grouting beams in multiple separate pours. Is...
I think you are talking about Equation 13-18. I would note that the same equation in AWWA D100-05 contains Rc. I think it is fair to assume there is a typo in the 11 version.
This is actually a non-building structure. A competitor of my client has had difficulty getting approval on other similar structures in this municipality due to the structural plan reviewer rejecting their engineer's calculations. They did the FOIA request so that their engineer could see what...
Thank you all for your posts! A follow-up question: Should it make a difference whether the owner of the building in question did not give permission for the requester to see either the drawing or the calculations?
In this case a third-party not associated with the owner requested structural...
Great response! I am located in Illinois too, so very appropriate.
If you look at the enclosed link from the same website, it looks like these exemptions are not mandatory...
It is my opinion that the end product of a structural engineer is the construction drawings. While I have no problem submitting my calculations to a building official to help them with their due diligence while they do their plan reviews, I do not believe these to be a part of the public...
I am working with an existing building with a reinforced gypsum concrete roof on bulb-tees on steel joists. I have downloaded the information from the gypsum association from this website. The 2006 IBC includes very little information in Section 1914. The old UBC has more info. The 1994 UBC...