Foreign built thin sheet silos are a pre-engineered commodity item in a highly competitive business exporting across Europe, Asia, Africa etc... North America probably has its own internal market but the rest of the world is very much global. These things are like ikea furniture but much...
Local means exactly that. If a beam is 20m long and has a high moment in a location where it is well restrained then all is well and good. If it has a high moment where it is unrestrained from LTB then there might be issues.
Specifically when it comes to AS4100 the phrasing used is segments...
Sorry I can't help. But I can give you solace that your problem is a common one.
This happens regularly all over the world and yet then number of failures due to anchor bolts failing from bending does not seem to be hitting any radars.
Friction, steel ductility, never reaching ultimate loads...
TLDR; Foreign design and supply can offer savings, it can also be extremely expensive for the client when things are inadequate. Stamping it is possible but do so with eyes wide open.
Growing the balls to be able to ethically sign off on structures which have been engineered by others can be...
Smoulder. While I can't speak for every code including whichever one that you use... The moment modification factor (or whatever you code calls it), which adjusts for the shape of the moment curve, is not intended to directly address the difference between hogging and sagging moments.
If the...
An interesting topic.
It has been examined in various sources:
Generally it makes little sense economically to start throwing in more plates to stiffen things when you can just increase the thickness of the end plate. In general when it comes to moment connections DO NOT be frugal on the thickness of the connecting plate.
One exception that springs to...
DM sent... You can also email me if you wish using my name on this forum at gmail. The 'genius' engineer I described earlier has the initials. AB. If you know him I'd be quite curious how. :)
Again thanks all for the replies.
Good too know. Yeah the engineering involved in the job in my example was pretty minimal. The 'harder stuff' for me was dealing with the footings (the house is on stumps) and dealing with the unknowns. But this is probably only 'hard' due to my lower...
Ha! Yeah... I've seen that. I briefly had an employee. But ultimately I think I take too much pride and ownership over my work to want to go that direction with anybody who wasn't an 'almost' clone.
I have one consultant/mentor on speed dial that I occasionally call advice. He is the only...
Thanks to all the replies above. I appreciate context and feedback from others. [thumbsup2]
Typical project like this? I don't have a figure as I'm still somewhat 'green' on these projects.
How much I charge generally? I almost feel abashed to reveal that. But I nominally charge...
One issue in this case is I didn't make my costs know upfront. The new client just asked me to jump and I said how high. I'm used to responding like that because most of my clients are happy to pay the bill I send them after I jump high! :LOL:
Yep. I didn't want to do a site visit for this...
A deliberately provocative title to get a conversation going. :) And I fully expect to be proven wrong by some nimble engineers who are more skilled and comfortable in this area that I am.
The instigation this thread is I've just returned from a site visit from a owner who is removing a load...
Kootk's and JoshPlumSE's real world common sense arguments are strong.
'Sweet eff all'. The torsional load is also 'sweet eff all' So it mostly works out.
I have delved into this from a computational buckling perspective. It was hard to get results because the column really didn't want to...