I know that some manufactures actually change from hexagon to octagon as the size of the 3 piece ball valve increases. As soon as the surface area is big enough to with hold the force of a wrench, the hexagon turns into an octagon. The more sides it has the more convenient it is to place the wrench.
Hello Friends,
Do you know where I can find information regarding the costs of a NACE certificate and what guidelines a factory would need to fulfill?
Short Introduction: there is a manufacture (Flange Manufacturer) that wants to relocated to the United States however we need to create a...
If the company doesn't have it in stock you can alternatively use a DIN910.
This isnt the standard British thread Withworth Pipe Thread DIN/ISO 228, it is the 288 G thread.
Therefore to really seal, you need to use an o-ring, as mentioned above...
Okay I need to provide apologies. I was looking at the total number of installed figures, not by industry. However, I personally have been in the market for projects in North America and Europe regarding chemical plants, also plants that need to be FDA approval (Painful). And I noticed that...
I am just wondering, as I looked through some interesting global statistics. What I found interesting that in Europe Pressfittings' market share of being installed at chemical plants etc. are higher than butt weld fittings and threaded fittings. In the United States however, press...
Short introduction, I am currently involved in the American and European market regarding stainless steel fittings, valves, and pipes (Made in Switzerland). However, I would like to start a new venture, in fluid filtration, especially industrial waste water. I know some of our fittings...
should work now http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=134dd586-6ea6-4821-a264-01b5bbfe687f&file=Edelstahl_Hahnverlaengerung_Hage_Fittings_und_Flanschen_GmbH_copy.jpg
Hello Everyone,
General questions, probably more a home installation questions.
What is the object in the attachment called? In Germany it mainly used for the transition from the back of an installation (behind a wall) to the front installation (front of the wall). The star shape within the...
Great work, thank you for all the input. To sum up: we will stay with teflon tape, hopefully USA made (Not saying that European isnt good).
Short answer to 1gibson, I proposed swage type fittings, but my superior has already made the entire purchase (clearly for him all fittings are the same)...
Thank you for the great and fast replies.
I am a bit confused as I know some of the gaskets for flanges are silicone "polysilanes" therefore, I assumed it should be fine for threads. Just saw that Grainer offers these online. Further, as silicone is very align friendly as in, it would be easier...
The flow is important here. Is the medium (Water, Oil, Gas etc.) flowing from the Carbon steel flange into the stainless steel flange, or vice versa? From a material stand point, if the water flows from stainless steel flange into the carbon steel flange, the corrosion will occur quicker with...
Hey Guys,
has anyone of you worked with silicon sealing tape instead of teflon tape for stainless steel NPT/ISO7-1 fittings?
Any suggestions what to look for?
Friend of mine, told me that using silicon sealing tape will be leak free as it is naturally water repellent, and when detaching...