I agree... check your flows to the bag filters. I've seen problems like this before and most were attributed to low flows. If you are going to measure flow, RESEARCH the probe types out there... single-points are useless due to non-laminar flows, flow restriction devices (i.e. orifice plate)...
Keep in mind, Cv is calculated between 5.0 and 15.0 psid, with the valve full open. What you need is the valve's flow curve at a specific delta P. The manuf. should have the curve (with hysteresis) at a specific differential pressure. Honestly, the best thing to do is test the valve yourself...
Agreeing with most... orientation does not matter. Fhasan is correct in requesting an explanation of "overhaul." The biggest culprit I have found is poor actuator performance. What type of actuator are you using? Best regards,
Lakeshore Tech
You need to actually measure the flow rate, not estimate it. I assume this is for a burner integrated into a boiler, or another process? There are many devices out there that will help you...
Thanks for the help... already looked there. Maybe its me, but I cannot find specific valve dimension data, can you? If so, please tell me where.
Thanks for the help.
Can someone please direct me to a manufacturer of an accurate & robust modulating valve actuator? Valves are rotary and linear, sizes are >2" and stroke is >5".
Thanks in advance!
Does anyone know of a good source to obtain specific Fisher valve dimensions? I need accurate dimensions to determine the mounting dimensions of electraulic actuators I am looking to install.
Any and all information is greatly appreciated.[bigcheeks]
Thank you!
The process of determining the Cv value of a valve is quite impoortant... temp. must remain constant, valve should be tested between 5-15 psid, etc. The Cv value is, to my belief, useless as a tool beyond a convenient number to compare valves.
Check into ISA standards, ISA-S75.02.
Take care