I am inspector of work.
Would like to know whether bottom or top rebars for 1st floor beam CIS B 4T32 to bend 90 deg to top/bottom at approximately 300mm (Drawing shown straight 1200mm inside lift wall & 800mm each). I am asking because contractor will put foam at lift wall 300mm so later can...
Contractor want to cast 2000mmx2000mm inside pile cap(L=3900mm x W=2400mm x h=1800mm) so they can install precast column(800mmx800mm) as per attached photo.
Is that acceptable?
Ground slab previously 150mm thk with ground beam 1000mm depth but now replaced with 450mm mm flat slab.
If pile cap depth is 1800mm then pile cap depth below flat slab will be 1800-450=1350mm.
Would like to know how is orientation of rebar for S2(refer to photo attached). Is that OK if...
Is that appropriate if casting concrete directly to pile cap which has muddy water at bottom of pile cap & hole for water flow through at side formwork? I was told concrete can push water due to its density. Will it absorb some water and weaken it's strength? Would like to know reasons if not...
Thanks for reply. Will use Pecaform to cast both pile caps. May I know the requirement for the gap between 2 pile caps? It that appropriate if we cast 2 pile caps close to each other?
Looking for opinion:
Hall call button for a lift is 300(h)x150(w) and it located on junction of rc wall and rc separated beam, both are 230 width. Before concreting, when I inspected reinforcement, spacing 2 rebars with 20mm dia. left 100mm only. How can I fix it?
Can I just concrete the column till height of beam with G30 together with beam eventhough column required G40? My consultant want us concrete separetely column till height of beam with G40.
Vertical member like column and wall G40 while hor. Member like slab and beam G30.
How to cast beam? Is that possible to cast beam and column's rebar together?