I suspect that the electrical properties would be similiar to that of a varistor when considering grain size and orientation. The orientation of grains will be dependent on temperature gradients and the overall grain size on the preexisting grain size and cooling rate. Any other processing...
I'm two years out of school with one year in the metalcasting industry. I'm looking around for next steps professionally. I'm curious how worthwhile a PE in materials is? What kind of doors can it open? What kind of pay increase? How would I find a PE in materials to work under?
Are there any...
Hello all,
I'm having issues with elongation coming under the 25% ASTM A351 spec. Haven't found anything I can credibly go on in a literature review. Physical testing seems to indicate that a Cu content >0.45% is beneficial but there is not enough data to make this definitive. Also postively...
Is anyone familiar with using Finite Solutions's products? We are in the process of getting the FlowCast/SolidCast/OptiCast suite and I'd like to know what bugs/limitations it may have. For anyone that has used other casting simulation software, how does it compare to Magmasoft, et al...
After raising Ar flowrate through porous plug, preheating mold prior to closing, picking a non-rainy day for tapping and using Al and Graphidox for deox as before, porosity on repour was less but still existed. It was largely found on the OD. The thinness of the vanes and shround make more...
Porosity was generally round. In a few places the welders excavated up to an inch into the casting.
We poured another casing and impeller. Molds were reheated for longer time prior to closing. It wasn't raining but the day was muggy. Extra vents were added. On surface inspection I have not...
Agree with the relative cakewalk of CF8 et al. This foundry used to have little trouble pouring CA6NM in the past I was just told. Mold is vented as much as it can be by passive methods. Use the same with HC250 and we don't have many issues.
Talked to the foundry engineer but he said in the...
Thank you arunmrao.
C is kept below the max of 0.06. Impellers are closed. Prior heat is usually a stainless 18-8 or variant of it like CF8C. I instruct the melter to keep material below pouring temp until its ready to pour. Last tapping temps were below 2940 F. Laddle is heated, molds are not...
I am having a similar problem with porosity in CA6NM on impellers and casings. Porosity appears on sections less than 0.5" and naturally in the risers.
Melt process is air induction furnace with Ar plug. Charge includes revert, 1010, ferrochrome (0.05% N according to the...
Thanks to all again.
I have been looking for a job and am considering moving back to steel country to be closer to alma mater and finish taking Masters classes.
In the meantime what kind of qualifications are useful for a career in Metallurgy / Materials Science / Engineering Management /...
Thanks all for advice so far.
I am still learning but have to do it myself. ie: why did a customer order 347 vs 316L for an application despite almost identical chemistry: extra Nb forms carbides increasing metallurgical stability at elevated temperatures instead of sensitization at austenitic...