Thanks for the reply. I can see there's a lot to these meters. I guess my best bet is to follow the install dimensions suggested by the meter and assume that the disparity in the calculated SOS vs the theoretical is to be expected?
I did get a chance to stop flows in the line. I would assume...
I need to know the factors effecting the accuracy of a clamp-on ultrasonic flow meter. I recently purchased one to do some in-plant potable water conservation work. It was an Economy-bay model and the tech support is non-existent, but it was what I could sneak in under the budget. It...
Thanks for the replies. I did talk to the lawyers (see reference to the "legal rep." in the OP). They claim that from a legal standpoint there is no obligation (but also made the comment that from an ethical standpoint it was more open to interpretation). Also, I am not the consultant in this...
I work for a company that occasionally acquires industrial sites. I have recently been moved into a position that deals more directly with these transactions. I have not had this issue come up specifically yet, but want to be prepared if/when it does, as it seems likely to happen sooner or...
Thanks for the replies. I looked at the PA-DOS site and didn't see anything. I guess I'll call the board to verify. Thought maybe this was an unwritten interpretation and so I asked here first.
Thanks All.
I was meeting with a process PE on an industrial project, and let him know I was licensed as well. I then handed him a card sans the PE suffix and he said, "Hey you have to list the PE, you can't go incognito." He said it was required (but didn't cite anything). I do make a point of letting...
I am registered in the state of Pennsylvania. I was recently informed that it is mandatory to sign with a PE after my name and it must be on my business cards. I had some old cards and was using them up, as I had never heard this before. I couldn't find this in a search, but maybe I'm not...
I have found that the North American Green ECMDS online channel design tool is helpful. It provides calculation printouts so you can check the math. It will provide shear stress, normal depth, and check various linings, or you can use your own manning's number. Best of all it's free. I'm...
Yes, I do believe the residue is talc. We are confirming that. The trays are needed to hold the product while in the retort, but also for transport, so any tray would be start to finish. Would you expect breakdown of the PP with steam? Others here are looking for boiler...
Thanks again for the replies.
I finally got the material composition from the MFG. 69% polypropylene resin, 30% talc filler, and 1% elastomeric additive. Does this seem appropriate for a steam retort? We are checking on the stainless option, but have considerable investment in the plastic trays.
Thanks for the replies. I am still working on getting information on the material. Yes, the condensate is water vapor. I should have mentioned that this is a steam retort, so the trays are subject to steam heating in a pressure vessel. I am following through with some recommended...
I am relatively new to the industrial arena, being a civil/environmental most of my career. Therefore some of the questions I have about plastics and polymers may be very elementary, I apologize in advance. I am currently working for a food processing company that uses batch retorts in...
Thanks for the response. Most of the metals used in the plant are stainless and non-magnetic. We would need a solution for those as well as the magnetic items.
I am currently overseeing construction of an industrial WWTP. The influent has alot of organic material that we are feeding to an anaerobic digester. The influent passes through chopper pumps prior to entering the digester.
Because this is an industrial plant we sometimes have nuts, bolts...
Thanks all for the input. I have been away for a while and unable to respond. We decided to go with megalug and full length rods for the vertical runs.
The elevations worked so the pump base is directly on the concrete slab w/o any housekeeping pad, so it anchors into the cap slab with some...