Further investigation showed that the problem described above was evident only when the model was subjected to a pure tensile load (single point force). There was no significant difference in stress results between discrete and analytical contact in other loading conditions (such as bending)...
I am sorry for the double post but I've seen that the msc software: marc forum doesn't receive any attention. Could you please have a look in the following question of mine?
Thank you.
Dear all,
I recently completed successfully a 3d connection problem where two steel plates are connected with a bolt and subjected to tension/bending. The question arises from the observation that the element stress results through the "extrapolation" option need to be "averaged" or remain...
Have a look here:
They used MSC NASTRAN sol 106 which is non-linear static, however I would suggest MARC from the same company which is their "standard" implicit non-linear solver.
Dear rb1957,
first let me apologize for taking so many days to reply. I hadn't checked this thread and to be honest I didn't expect any follow ups. Anyway, let me briefly update: In terms of loads application, I decided to apply these wierd looking loads at point 1 as pressure loads (forces...
Thank you (one more time!)
In both cases the resulting forces (constraint and internal) are analysed and displayed in their respective components (x,y,z). Accordingly, the resultant force can be seen. Do you agree with my thought that the constraint forces results will be used or is it the...
This might sound trivial but I really want to ask:
A beam is modelled with 1d elements, appropriate constraints are placed on two points and a load is applied on one end. Simulation is successfull and now the question:
If one wants to use the fea calculated forces on the constraints in order...
Dear rb1957,
I really appreciate your interest. Yes, I have to agree that this load on point 1 is "strange" and my experience doesn't allow me to think other ways to apply it on the structure. What I have shown in terms of loads in the original file attached, comes from a report where some...
Hello rb1957,
apologies for not replying sooner. Thank you for your last remark. As to my progress with this problem, I have created a number of successful runs, but I am having some serious thoughts about: a) My boundary conditions at the bottom of the part (constraints all over the bottom...
Hello rb1957,
Sometimes the urge to over describe a problem makes you write "essays" instead of being precise. I promise that next time I'll be more spartan in my problem definitions. So:
Correct. Couldn't say it better myself (as proved!)
That's what I've already done.
Well, that was my...
Dear rb1957,
thank you for your reply. I think you're right, I should have paid more attention to what I want to do and then write my question. So let me try to explain:
the term "fictitious" for the loads, describes the values of the shear flow shown in the attachment. I meant that these are...
Hello all,
could you please have a look on the following thread (accidentally posted in FEA) and give your replies here?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
The following post is relevant:
Note: A link of the present thread to the more appropriate: /simulation/MSC.Software: Patran Forum will be made.