Hi All,
Very valuable comments and inputs indeed! Thank you. We have recently performed visual inspection of the failed bearing and found the internals were in low lubricant condition.
Suspected the bearing seal had damaged for quite some time, thus the grease pumped in through the housing...
What is the best practice for vibration analysis technique or method to be able to detect bearing failure symptoms in slow speed conveyor belt system?
We recently had a bearing failure in one of our vertical chain conveyor system. Our route-based vibration measurement did not spot any...
Many thanks both Greg & Ted for your inputs.
I share similar views as well that there shouldn't be a magic number to restrict what failure modes should be prioritized based on its RPN, but to focus on the inherent or un-mitigated risks (S x O) as the FMEA workshop concludes the RPNs.
Hi All,
I am currently working on pilot FMEA program for one of the critical assets in our plant. There has been a debate on the RPN minimum number, where the failure mode is defined as "high risk" and "need immediate attention" at the number of 120. Any RPN above or equal to 120 is HIGH RISK...
Hi all,
We have recently done investigation of the cold-end corrosion case on 4 (four) of our incinerators.
From the analysis, we have seen a correlation between the low skin temperature of the incinerator vs weather temperature --> where high low skin temp alert occurred especially during...
I am new in the realm of alignment methodology, techniques and fundamentals. I am interested to know about these terminology:
DBFF (Distance Between Flange Faces)
DBSE (Distance Between Shaft Ends)
Bore Tolerance
Face Tolerance
Appreciate if any of you experienced alignment hands could...
Here are more info on the issue:
1. Noise can be heard at FD Fan inlet when the boiler load starts to be increased from 85 T/hr to 103 T/hr
2. During this time, overall vibration increased from 3.2 mm/s to 5.8 mm/s
3. Air intake into FD Fan is controlled via IGV Unit
4. Dominant peak at 1x...
Thanks greenche
We are in the midst of our investigation, gathering as much data as we could to find the cause of the cold-end phenomenon.
This is a Tail Gas Incinerator Unit where it burns the tail gas (from CBA Reactor), with feed gas (methane) and air.
Detection of the corrosion was only...
The combustion temperature is set at 650 degC.
While measured skin temp ranged from 118degC to 260 degC. Acid Gas Dew point as per spec is 126 degC.
Fuel gas used is the Feed Gas (Methane).
Another information shared by the Operations folk is that, they "generally" will see this cold-end...
We are experiencing marginally high vibration at our FD Fan DE & NDE when the boiler load was increased from 80 T/hr to 105 T/hr. And the vibration reduced when the load is at 115 T/hr.
See below table for the measurements:
Fan DE Horiz Casing Vibration mm/sec 2 2 1.8 2 2.1 1.9
Fan DE...
Hi MJCronin,
Will post some drawings later (no pics unfortunately).
Occurs on both top and bottom section of the incinerator.
Thanks for the good sets of questions as well, will take them up with the process guys for further discussion.
Will revert back to you once I have more...
Hi all,
We have a recurring problem of corrosion in our waste gas incinerator units, suspected to be due to the acid gas dew point issue.
The temperature at the bottom section of the incinerator shell showing below dew point of 126 degC (temperature reading 110 degC). Inspection was conducted...
Thank you all for the info & inputs.
The burst disc ruptured when drying work was commencing with dry compressed air, set at 1 BarG, and the possibility of due point valves were still in closed position. There was a delay in our alarm signal system that it picked up the signal of the burst too...