Hi Karlour
The number of schematics depends on the type of circuit. For example, DOL, Star/Delta, Soft starters, VSDs, feeders, Incomers, etc., create typical.
The time spent on schematics depends on whether or not you have master schematics. If not, say with a good CAD operator, say 5 hours per...
I'm not sure what secondary HV voltage we are looking at; however, my take is that there should be an NER installed, and I would install earthing conductors into the HV substation earthing copper bar.
The switch disconnector on the MCC will not discriminate between the outgoing MCCBs if the outgoing MCCB's protection is not set properly
then you will trip the MCCB / ACB feeder on the Main LV switchboard.
Hi anitharts (Electrical)(OP)
Maybe the attached software will be helpfulhttps://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=20e59d58-26b4-4657-a551-2d7be82e447f&file=Master_Load_List_.xlsx
Hi timm33333
I have attached a copy of our Utility "ESKOM" OHL clearances in RSA perhaps helpful?https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=863eab39-bf95-4eeb-a043-e3246b631ede&file=OHL_Clearances.docx
Perhaps the attached file may help you.https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=f49da418-a5ea-46cf-8943-7909d2a516a7&file=SANS_VD_Calculation.xlsx
Hi SilverfoxUK
Cutting slots in a mild steel gland plate between single-core cables worked very well in the old days however, these days we use stainless steel or aluminium plates to prevent Eddy currents from circulating.
Hi All,
SANS spec states voltage drop should be based on 5% of the cable voltage from the TX source to the motor terminals. A motor running voltage drop of 2.5% VD. Starting VD of the motor between 15%-20%VD.
Hi All,
In South Africa, we use the following voltages for LV motors 50Hz 415V 525V 690V 1000V voltages above 1000V are classed as MV ie. 2,2kV 3,3kV 11kV
22kV 33kV beyond their HV then EHV.
Perhaps one should follow the attached arrangement.https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=1656647a-cb7c-4aea-b1d3-2e948d570dcd&file=Trevoil_detail.docx
Histor, (Electrical)(OP)
I suggest you ignore the process engineers they won't be the ones who are locked up if there is a fatality.
As an electrical engineer / reasonable person I would Install an E-Stop adjacent to the motors. In RSA its Mandatory.
Hi Simone22
Attached is an EXCEL program we use in RSA Metric cables.https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=cc7384e0-37e9-4266-830d-4bd6fcbf774c&file=Master_Motor_Cable_Calculation.xlsx