The linked paper was written by the developers of this innovative technology, that might provide some help other than modeling. Link
I didn't get deep into this article, but seems it spread the responsibility to maintain a leveled floor to both the designer (engineer) and the contractor. Also, adding concrete does not seem a good idea, as it might cause more problems down the road. Please read on. [link...
Do you mean wind pressure inside the void space between the concrete and steel panels? Depending on how the steel cladding is attached, but I doubt there will be significant pressure built up inside the panel, except near the edges.
Here is a list of schools offer Civil Engineering courses online. You may follow up on schools that offer Mechanical Engineering online study. Link
Below is the CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE requirements regarding alterations and repairs of the existing structures. I remember either ASCE or IBC has the similar requirements.
3405A.1 General
Buildings and structures, and parts thereof, shall be repaired in compliance with Section 3405A and...
I suspect the compression in the PT bars was mainly caused by the gravity load, so suggested the "test run" to see whether the lateral load case will trigger tension in the PT bars. I have no clue if there is a rocking load or not. But if it does, the uplift should be less than the gravity load...
I am not looking down on you, but a AA degree just does not provide you with the knowledge required for conducting frame analysis. I admire your willingness to learn, but it is a difficult subject to DIY by reading a few textbooks, or going through a few solved examples. Please consider to...
Another way might worth a try. Test run lateral load cases without any gravity load. If still resulted in member compression, it indicates the PT bars are ineffective. Otherwise, the resulting member forces can then be superimposed on the runs with all loadings, but the PT bars deactivated. For...
Without agreement, the neighbor might bear 100% responsibility to secure his wall. But it is up to the standard care stipulated in the local building code/ordinance, and/or the lawyers to argue about.
Check user manual to see how it specifies "tension only" element, or spring. If it has command available, then your problem is solved by follow the instruction. If only the latter is available, then follow the instruction with equivalent spring constant calculated by k = (EA/L)ELEMENT. Please...
"framing the opening"? Wasn't lintel a frequently seen solution for opening in the existing masonry wall? What is going into/through the opening that require framing?