Thanks for the taught jraef!!
I triple checked all limitation settings and motor data, and they are all OK.
Steam hose bursted in the machine and sprayed steam directly in to the drive. That's how it died.
Hi all!!!
I have a problem that I never came across before.
KEB combivert F5 drive 15kW running a 9.5kW motor for a drum in an industrial washing machine.
Power board of the drive blew up beyond repair, but control card survived and all parameters were copied into another drive, identical to...
Thanks for the tip jraef!!!
To be honest I'm a bit lost in chasing the signal between all the opamps, A/D converters, logic controllers etc. And all that without a schematic in
a multilayer PCB. Over here I was susspiciuous of D/A converter, but in this case reference signal is also out of...
Gave up on the repair of the control board.
Managed to source blown up unit (power stage) and replaced control board. Copied the parameters. Machine is working fine.
Thank you all for the support.
thanks for your replies all!!!
Yes, I am trying to repair the drive. I am aware that there is a hardware fault in it, just have to find it. Parameters I already extracted using Celite software.
I taught maybe somebody tried to repair this kind of drive before with these symptoms.
Autotune at...
Hi everyone!!!
I have a problem with 590+. It powers up and does start up claibration OK. Health light comes on. But as soon the command is given to run, it shows OVER I TRIP on the display. It doesn't even turn on main input contactor. I have removed the drive, and powered it up with AUX...
Hi All!!!!
Sorry I didn't post the update sooner.
It turns out that customer wasn't saying the truth about the basket working OK before. It always worked like I described, and he wanted me to make it go slower and even both ways. Which is good in a way, because I started to doubt even this...
Sorry, I skipped some of that.
There was a question about was the system working and now is not or did it ever work.- Yes it did work properly and just started happening one day. Not randomly, just started happening all the time. Customer didn't touch anything.
What provides the flow? - Pump...
@ HPost
I strongly believe hydrostat to be the problem also, I will take it apart and have a look inside, maybe I'll find something wrong.
@ MikeHalloran
Basket sits vertically up and it's tilted by this cylinder apprx. 30 degrees, gravity plays very little or no role in the setup. It is...
@ PNachtwey
I taught it was opposite? Retract speeds are higher for the same pressure because area to be filled with fluid is smaller when retracting due to rod occupying the space as well. I even read about it a while ago.
But this has got to be some fault in the system.
I tried yesterday...
Thanks for the tip Ted.
I have attached what I have. It is basically as drawn.
P is pump
T is return
A and B are connected to the cylinder.
Valve solenoids are connected strainght to 12Volts supply switches. No valve position control or anything like...