dear all..
please advise the maximum pressure for hydrotest of piping spool which contains flange 150#
refer to ASME 16.5 for material carbon steel group 1.1 is about 19.2 bar (from table 2-1.1. SME 16.5)
can we go more than this limit pressure
We would like to do Fitness for Services for the pipeline, but the client want to have the remaining life of the pipeline with method " stastitical analysis of calculation of corrosion growth rates ". is there any reference regarding this method ?
i got requirement to provide the air compressor for wellhead control panel. This compressor will be used for pneumatic actuator for valving in Well Head Control Panel.
Are the any guidance for selection which type of air compressor suitable for this purpose, also also the common size for...
hi dear..
i need advise for materrial selection for h2s removal pressure vessel for gas
this pressure vessel will be used for h2s removal which the inlet gas contain sulfur 150 ppm
the pressure inlet is 15 psig, and the gas temeprature 125 deg.F
ijust thinking to use carnon steel with suitable...
hi McDermott1711's
yes you are right.. i am mix up with the discharge line which connect to the pump and the pressure is 20 bar
this is the intake line, and only hhydrostatic pressure from sea level
thanks for your info
hi MJCronin..
keep calm and stay cool
it is technical discussion, no more
see my information detail on the picture ..
thanks for all response
the duplex nozzle pipe will connect to the pipeline with the operating pressure about 20 bar
this is sea water line supply to the plant. The pipe line looks is FRP
Sea water intake basin will be built with the concrete, which is the duplex pipe will be inserted in the...
hi mk3223..
thanks for your info
i just checked it, and the rating looks not ASME standard, this flange according to DIN standard
anyway thanks for this info
i am designing sea water intake pipe, and will use duplex material,
The pipe diameter is 2000 mm, and will use pipe class 300#
is there any dimension standard for flange, rating 300# and bore size 2000 mm ?
please advise for flange material applicable for this service
The pumps is vertical turbnine and the suction us submerged, hence no issue regarding priming
individual flow meter not available, but speed of VFD are controllabe by PLC / DCS
(see on the attachment)...
hi littleinch ..
The 4 pumps supply sea water into the pipeline which the diameter is 60 inch, into the sea water tank
the length of the pipeline about 6 km
the pipeline provided with surge control valve to maintain surge pressure due to back pressure
dear all..
i am designing the Sea Water Intake pump which the 4 pumps will be operated parallel, and 1 pump will be as stand by pump
The pump data as follows :
Type : vertical turbine pump
Flow : 5000 m3/hr
Head : 20 meters
Electric Motor : 2500 KW, the motor provided with VSD (variable speed...