Good luck on the exams bud, they are no joke. There was a post about the exams labeled 'AWS CWI/CWE EXAM RESULTS' under this heading. I put a thorough list of books one should get to study before the test. Have fun, I was glad when it was done and behind me.
Personally, I have zero experience with pipe. My entire career has been in structural. I tested to D1.1. But my work has all been shop welding and I am looking to get out of that. Im just not entirely sure how to go about it. I would like to drop off some resumes with companies that employ...
I need to find a source of names of the big construction contractors. I am having a hard time finding anything as well. I have dropped off resumes at the places I know of, but after that i'm struggling to find places to apply.
not sure about d1.8. But for d1.1 single pass thickness maximums are in table 3.7. Deposition rates aren't limited under d1.1. I would think that's because deposition volume is a function of amperage and technique. It would be difficult to quantify maximums or minimums.
There is no extra tolerance given to minimum fillet weld length in clause 5 of D1.1. 5.14 and Table 5.18 deal with effective size, but that is dependent on material thickness. Effective length is a design parameter. The size of this proposed weld would be 31.25% of it's effective length, and...
It's definitely not a joke. At the seminar there were about a half dozen QC professionals, 3 structural engineers, 2 mechanical engineers, 1 nuclear engineer, and about 5 welders, both independent and company mandated. I'm just a welder with a high school diploma, and I funded this whole thing...
To me, gauging those plastic samples was the difficult part. Easily very time consuming. The text questions were fairly straightforward. The answers are all right there in the book. An arc strike on steel jumps out at you. Trying to discern it on plastic is pretty hard. By doing the text...
Seminar and exams are done. Now the longest 2 to 4 weeks of my life waiting for the results lol. Here is some info for anyone curious. Right now the exams have about a 50% failure rate, and out of those who 'pass' you have to figure in the 1/3 or even 1/2 of them that only get the yellow...
7 days till 40 hour AWS prep course starts. Part B is the one that makes me nervous... I have been studying the certification manual and the code book 6 ways to Sunday, fairly confident for those. 1 day run through for part B seems a little light. I have been welding forever, but I have zero...