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Hobart Institute For CWI Class or online Prep course? 2

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Jan 12, 2015
I'm looking to enroll in either the 2 week class or the online prep course at Hobart Institute to become a CWI. Any advice on which one should I take. Please list Pros and Cons. Also list of any free websites to take practice tests for anything related to what will be covered on the CWI test. I am pushing towards API 1104.I already own the API 1104 21th edition, AWS 2.4 Welding symbols, AWS 3.0 Standard welding terms and Definitions. Any other info that you think I would need would be helpful. Thank You
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I took the Real Education, inc. two week course. take the course, any course, you can't do this just on home studying. The test is not hard, there is just so much of it. make sure you know the symbols inside and out and make sure you know the metallurgy
Each of us learn differently. Some do fine with a one week seminar, others need the extra time and one on one tutoring, and others can study on their own. Only you know what environment best suits your needs and style of learning.

I passed the CWI by home studying the material. I then took the CWI seminar after passing the CWI to keep my skills peaked. I attended the seminars every four or five years. I learned something new at each seminar because each instructor bought something unique to the class.

Good luck what ever your decision.

Best regards - Al

Best regards - Al
1) How much Field Experience do you have under a CWI? This makes a lot of difference during the practical portion of the exam. If none then take a class where they let you work with defective samples so you can learn what is good vs bad.

2) Like Al said, depends on how you learn. I spent 3 months with D1.1 code at home before I took the AWS Seminar and found the Seminar "filled in" the gaps in my knowledge base. Also realize that the 1 week AWS Seminar is like Basic Training for your brain...overload is a possibility. Know 80% before you go and you will do better.
I too am a self study person for this type of subject. For other subjects , a course would be better for me. My interest in welding is more of a "hobby". So I study or read about it as an activity I enjoy.

I feel that probably all of the courses available have the ability to prepare someone to "pass the test". Your level of knowledge and experience going in will have a large influence on your ability to "pass" as will many other factors.

Regardless of method (Online, Face too face, self study), you cannot go wrong by learning more.

I am a strong proponent of the AWS Welding Handbook Volume 1 8th or 9th edition. The table of contents closely resembles the body of knowledge for the CWI exam.

Have a great day.


Gerald Austin
Iuka, Mississippi
It all depends how versed you are in welding and inspections thereof. I did not study for the test and there were no courses for the test back in 1980 and I took it on ASME I, VIII, and IX even though I could have taken it on API 1104, at which I had been a Committee member. I easily passed the test. I also know of a number of others who similarly passed without taking a course.

My current employer hires numerous CWIs. The vast majority of our CWIs have taken a traditional, classroom, 40 hour course (not an on-line course) followed by the Exam. I would recommend such a course, knowing full well that the cost is considerable. The vast majority of our CWIs pass the test the first time after taking the traditional course. Some Community Colleges in Texas also offer classroom courses at lower cost.
I took the seminar at Hobart. If you are aren't very versatile in the welding/inspection industry I would take the course. I have been in the field 7 years(although I was the youngest one in there by 5years) and I have had all kinds of VErY good training on both welding and inspection inspection. I am a hands-on learner for the most part but I know the paper work as well. Hobart helps a lot in makeing the paperwork match the hands-on information. 1 pro about hobart, no matter how dumb the question(I respect the trainers for this) they never changed their tone, never "bated an eye" if you will, never once belittled an individual because of his question. AWS instructors will!! I took the 2week seminar in Nov. 2014 at Hobart. Another pro, they give you ALOT of GOOD relevant information to study, with ALOT of practice tests.. I mean this thing is 2 weeks, man you are exausted by test time, anymore information after 14 days is like beating a dead horse. They cram you with information, but it's all good stuff!! But they truly help you learn the material. Unfortunately I didn't pass the PaRt B in November, although my composite score was high enough I retook part b today. I went through the VIW with AWS and man was that a waste. Please trust me on this, at this point if u are trying to decide on AWS seminar, Hobart or online.. Do not go to AWS !!! They are not thorough, didn't answer the questions guys had, and belittled us constantly!! He was terrible. You must be wondering if Hobart was so great then why did I fail part B ? That was me, all my fault.. I was mentally spent, and took way too much time. Part b was my last one for the day, When they hollerd "30minutes left" I was on 26. At that point I was in panic mode. Obviously it got the best of me. Anyway Hobart cons, cost more, Its far away(i live in Texas), before I even took the test I filled out an evaluation form on that form I said I thought they needed more time with PArt B(went over it in 1 day). Pros- professional attitude, lots of good study material, they have the ability to reach at any level of education! Hands-on training and making sure everyone understands before moving on was another big one i noticed.

Hope I was able to help out a little, I have more to say but i have to get off here. Good luck man!
a lot of people fail part B, but its not hard, you just have to separate the code book from part B because part B is a made up code on its own to see if you can read a code spec book.
I know one of the guys that fabbed the Part B coupons, and he made them UGLY! Those plastic casts are hard for me to 'read'; don't look anything like a real weldment. Remember: you are evaluating "fake welds" to a "fake code"; AWS wants to know if you will ignore your prejudices and accept an ugly weld if it meets the "fake code". Thus most of the welds are "acceptable to code". And the fake porosity is drilled in, and is either 1/16" or 1/8" diameter.
7 days till 40 hour AWS prep course starts. Part B is the one that makes me nervous... I have been studying the certification manual and the code book 6 ways to Sunday, fairly confident for those. 1 day run through for part B seems a little light. I have been welding forever, but I have zero experience inspecting with tools. Watching videos online only takes a person so far...
part b is not that hard, just remember its a code on its own, people fail because they thinking d1.1, no its a code by itself, there errors on the wps that you have to find, they give you a copy of it weeks before the test, part b is the easiest of the whole test, really the test not hard just so much of it
That is helpful bb. Looking at mine, it calls out the wrong standard for FCAW. A5.18 instead of A5.20. I'm on it.
yes, that what you got to do, check everything, keep looking, that part of the whole test idea. let me just say there is no typo
Don't do the 5 day seminar through AWS. I went this route and it's like getting a bomb dropped on you. They move so fast, there wasn't any real time for questions. I did pass the first try but I do not recommend this to anyone.

I know lots of guys who went througH HOBART and just it being 2 weeks instead of a 5 day crash course will definitely improve your chances of passing. From everything I've heard , it's absolutely worth the money
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