Yes the continuum shells are only for the core and again are tied to the face sheets (S4R). For both cases, the core is anisotropicand I assign material orientation via "Material Orientation Modulus"
Dear all,
I am performing a linear buckling analysis of a sandwich structure, specifically a tapered cylindrical shell with reinforced patches. The face sheets are modeled using conventional S4R shell elements and are tied to the core vie TIE constraints. For the core, I used two different...
Dear Abaqus users,
I am modeling a sandwich structure in Abaqus with conventional shell elements for the face sheets and solid elements for the core. The face sheets include reinforced patches, leading to variations in thickness and ply sequence. The top and bottom surfaces of the shells have...
It's a honeycomb with hexagonal cells. The thing is that i don't have any other parameters besides compression and shear moduli as well as compression and shear strength. Also, I am not sure what damage model I should use for the core. That's why I thought to simplify the problem
For the core, I have values for E3, G13, and G23, with small values for the remaining parameters assumed based on literature. My focus is not on the detailed impact event, such as delamination or the core's exact failure mode. Instead, I aim to assume a post-impact damage state and predict the...
Dear all,
I am working with a tapered cylindrical shell featuring the following layup: [45, -45, Aramid honeycomb, -45, 45]. The face sheets are made of CFRC. For the honeycomb core, I have the values for E1, E2, E3, ν12, ν13, G12, G23, G13, as well as the compression and shear strengths in...