While I aknowledge that the current CBT format is not good (too long, too expensive, etc), I do believe that our licensing requirements should be difficult. We are responsible for protecting the public. An engineer who doesn't know what they are doing is dangerous. Pass rates don't tell the...
I disagree with HDStructural about taking the lateral first. I think the gravity is important to take first as it requires you take a deep dive into all of the different materials and understand how those all work. It sets up a solid foundation that you can build off of to then take the Lateral...
When you do seismic analysis, there is both horizontal and vertical seismic forces you have to consider. Ev is vertical, Eh is horizontal. So assuming you aren't using your columns as any part of moment frame to resist lateral, you would have to at the very least resist the vertical seismic...
Generally speaking, Texas only requires that an EIT have graduated from an engineering or science program approved by the board and have passed the FE exam. I'm not sure if you take the FE exam in Canada or not. If you do, it would be as simple as sending your transcript from college and the...
@BrdigeSmith - As far as I know, I could not locate any exceptions. They state a minimum of 1.5" above deck to stay in line with available research and data. It also goes on to say that the 1/2" is jsut meant to be a specified cover and that if this gets a little smaller due to imperfections in...
I thought about that except that more than half of the available spaces between the deck flutes already have anchors installed in the center of the beam for most of the beams. In order to install enough of the new anchors, you would have to put more than one in most of the flutes. Most of the...
I have run into a situation where the contractor has installed 400 headed stud anchors to be 4" long with a 3" composite metal deck and 2" of concrete over the deck. This gives 1" projection over the metal deck. They were supposed to install 4 1/2" length to get the minimum 1 1/2" projection...
In my experience, it is pretty standard on retail buildings like this to have the back and the two sides as CMU or tilt wall and then the front as steel and infill light guage.
phamENG - that's what I'm saying though, if we are trying to prevent the people who are going to use the drawings incorrectly from getting the CAD files, charging a little money for it won't accomplish this in my mind. It is only going to make the owner (which is our end client) pay more money...
I see this problem from both sides of the coin as the EOR on projects and also as the light gauge specialty engineer. When we request CAD files from the EOR and Arch we utilize the files to produce our shop drawings by overlaying the structural framing with the architectural walls. This is very...
In my experience with policies about pay, is that there always seems to be an exception to the rule, no matter how rigid the policy is. For instance, if an employer tells his employee that he can't give him a raise, so the employee goes and gets a job offer for more then his current salary and...
What are the chances that you have full wind load (a hurricane!) and someone is on the roof? very low I would say. Design for live load or wind load. See what is worse.
If you look at page 3-12 in the 14th edition steel manual, it goes through the composite design theory that the tables are based off. On page 3-14 they have a diagram showing the fores in the composite beam and the PNA location. The PNA is located such that the total compression force is equal...