Hi all
Basicly i have to make a structural analysis on access panel. As you can see in the image ı have two support location and one actuator holding the door.
On the other hand, pressure acts on the wall. I only have hinge moment value for mechanism. If you have any example please share with...
Hi all
In the case below, i would like to combine subcase 90 and subcase 100 in a subcom.
I wrote like in the below however nastran does not understand. Could you please help me how to combine the loadcase with their ids.
1.5 * subcase 90 + 1.0* subcase 100
Hi all
Thanks for all answers. As far as i understand from your answer.
I have to solve the problem with in plane loads.All the fasteners should carry the shear loads. Am i right?
Hi all
I have a longeron which is going to splitted and joined together with bolts like in the picture below.
i extracted the forces from gfem model. I have Fx, Fy, Fz and Mx, My, Mz.
My question is , how should i distrubute forces on bolts?
I think the forces along x direction acting as...
Hi all
I have some unit load cases, then with some coefficient i convert it to the combined load cases.
I apply this forces to the constant mpc points.
Is there any way to convert combined cases to a unit load cases.
If i export applied forces from mpc with using Hypermesh, will i get the...
Hi all
I have a job to run. There are a lot of loadcases therefore the results opt file is 80gb.
Eventhough i wrote scr=yes Nastran needs 240 gb space. Nastran solves the job 2 hours in HPC.
Is there any way to reduce the space for solving the issue?
What are the recommendations for solving...
Hi all
I have a honeycomb material properties. I am using CHEXA solid elements
Et=3.5 Mpa Ec=3.5 Mpa Gw=3.9 Mpa Gl= 8.5 Mpa .
I do not have poisson ratio. Is it possible to generate mat9 card from these properties?
I saw some equations like below in Nastran quick reference guide...
Hi all
I would like to ask a question about definening airframe section.
The first thing is obtaining the Free body forces frem global FEM with defined elements and nodes setsor section cut.
Then define the cross section( j, i beam, z , channel)and calculate geometric properties. ( ıf its...