I've usually detailed the tie beam to be cast monolithically with the slab on grade. My rationale was that one concrete placement would be cheaper. The owner of the building I'm currently working on has required us to provide contraction joints on 45-60 degree angles to the column lines so fork...
The bay that is being retained (all 4 sides since the infill in on the interior side) is 37'x64'.
I'm leaning towards bracing the wall which will allow me to more efficiently place my steel in the wall for both the construction and final conditions which will be similar. It would be nice for...
I am designing an exterior wall of a water treatment plant. The plant floor will be higher than exterior grade (backfilled side is the interior). The liquid-supporting slab-on-grade floor slab will be placed roughly 18 ft. above exterior grade. The design will have to be a multi-step design:
If I'm checking my design capacity ratio (SdMu / Phi Mn), won't it always be 1.0 between fs,min and fs,max?
Sd*Mu = (fy/fs)Ms
= (fy/fs)As*fs*(d-a/2), fs in numerator and denominator cancel eachother out leaving
= As*fy*(d-a/2)
Phi*Mn = Phi*As*fy*(d-a/2) phi=1.0 therefore...
Sorry for beating a dead horse here. but I want to clarify this for others that are reading this sometime in the future. I think we are on the same page but you have me confused. Maybe it was a typo. Two posts up you say:
Sd x Mu (which I agree with. )
The post above says:
Sd x Ms. (I think...
So Step 9 should be Sd x gamma x Ms?
Am I doing two checks for each section?
1. Service level check against fs
2. Ultimate level check using fy
Thanks for your help.
JAE, I have a question about a post you made a couple of years ago. It is now closed so I can't put this question there. Can you help me understand your reasoning in Step 9 below on multiplying Sd x Ms and not fy/fs x Ms while using Phi=1? This has me hung up as I try to understand ACI 350 and...
JedClampett, thanks for the answer to Q2. I agree it's the State of the Art literature on designing environmental structures and why not use it. I was just curious if anyone references it to make it legally adopted. Reason I was asking is that I read an article in one of my engineering magazines...
Q1: What load combinations do you all use when checking foundations for structures at a water treatment plant or waste water treatment plant? ACI 350 only lists ultimate load combinations in 9.2.1 and 2006/2009 IBC does not list F loads in Eq. 16-14 or 16-15 where the dead load is reduced. For...
I think I answered my own question - FEMA 55, Coastal Construction Manual, gives a couple of load cases:
1. Breaking wave load on every pile/column + impact load on corner or critical pile/column
2. breaking wave on front row of piles/columns + hydrodynamic load on all others + impact load on...
I've considered the same question before. I tried to tell myself that the crack has to extend to the edge of the slab, thereby increasing my perimeter. (I'm still not convinced it isn't the case.) CSi's SAFE computer program stops the perimeter as if the slab edge is closer which will give you...
I'm in a High Hazard Flood Zone Class VE on the Gulf of Mexico. The project is a public pavilion approximately 70 ft. x 140 ft. with columns and bowstring trusses. The columns are spaced roughly 11'-9" on center along each side of the building with the trusses spanning the function area. I'm...