Abaqus manual has stated that usually geostatic step must converge in 1 increment. But would it be considered correct if geostatic step converges in more than 1 increment like 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 s? The displacements are very low and stresses are also correct at the end of analysis.
Taking advantages of symmetry of loading acting on a circular foundation and soil, I have reduced to my model to half cylindrical (semicylindrical) model. Thus foundation and soil are both semi cylindrical. However, I do not get a successful geostatic step which I was getting in my complete 3-d...
ok alright, thanks for the support everybody. The reason why I have kept the seed size at the centre such small is I am trying to mobilize the full frictional resistance between soil and foundation. previously I was using a seed size of 0.95 but I could not get the favorable results. I checked...
ok let me try that. But from my literature study, I understood that C3D8R would be better to use instead tetrahedral elements. And hence I have been using them.
You are right, the file size is too large to upload. I am uploading another file. This time it is a circular foundation. It shows the way in which partitioning and seed sizes have been given. With this, I am getting 125300 elements. Can you have look at the file and edit it to reduce the no of...
Quarter symmetry may give me doubtful results. I have a moment acting about Y axis besides a vertical displacement and horizontal displacement. Therefore I believe I should not use quarter symmetry. Is there a problem with uploading files? I have been trying to upload the .cae file from...
By symmetry are you saying that I must reduce the size of model to half? I can reduce the model to half the present size but after applying the X-symm boundary conditions on the exposed side of foundation and soil, the model does not seem to give right results. The sides are roller (U1=U2=0) and...
Remember that the mesh quality is also important. I do not want to have lot of elements with face angle less than 35 or greater than 135 or aspect ratio greater than 10.
Attached is the figure of a simple cuboid of soil which I want to mesh. I have been able to mesh this part successfully but by putting a question here my main aim is to reduce the number of elements without affecting the seed size at the centre. At the centre there are 3 circles which have a...
Sorry I do not have 6.13 and so I cannot see your file. However I am attaching a Sample geostatic file. This is 6.10 version file but you can convert it to 6.13. The reverse is not possible. Here is the brief description about the file
Soil is saturated undrained overconsolidated clay. So note...
For a 2d model, choose plane strain elements. Define only elastic properties i.e. E and v. For boundary conditions, use roller (U1=0) for the sides and fixed for the bottom. Apply a body force as told before. Also use *Initial Conditions, Type= Stress, Geostatic by editing keywords file. Once...
body force is specified in force per unit volume. So I applied a body force equal to the value of density of the soil. For example, if density is 2556 Kg/m3, then convert this to N/m3 which comes 19000 N/m3. So just write 19000 in component 2 direction. I am assuming here that the vertical...
In the assembly module, you can use the option of ROTATE or TRANSLATE. By doing this, you change the local coordinates direction. I used this option to make + Z axis to - Z axis. Important to remember here is in the PART module, these directions do not change and only in ASSEMBLY module, the...