We have received an offer from one of the vendor proposing peripheral stone column behind the sheet pile wall. Commerically the offer is too high.
Also, we have executed tie rod method to retain the sheet pile in our previous project for 30m width using deadweight wall from other end...
Hello everyone,
we are doing the reclamation in one of our projects with an area of 400m x 50m from -2m to +1m. Also, we are treating the reclamation ground with PVD to decrease the future settlement with proloading fill and the height of the fill is 5m above +1.0m to achieve the future...
The referencee is taken from the Code of Practice for Foundations 2017 book section 5.4.5 page no 68 is attached for your ready reference.
Vinothkumar S
Geotechnical Engineer
I have found these reference for my thread.
Reference are given the attachment.
As we all well known for the spacing of pile for construction which listed below
1.IS 2911-part 2/2010 – for socketing pile minimum spacing 2.5D section 6.6
2.IS 14593 -1998 - for rock socketing pile minimum...
Hi folks,
we are doing the reclamation in one of our projects with an area of 400m x 50m from -2m to +1m. Also, we are treating the reclamation ground with PVD to decrease the future settlement with proloading fill and the height of the fill is 5m above +1.0m to achieve the future settlement...
I am doing the piling work using chisel and bailor method with rigid gantry platform. The gantry has two pile grid with 7.5m length and 15m width. The gantry has 2 A-frame to do chisel the pile simultaneously (Photo is attached for reference). My client has given the NCR to stop the...
Oldest Guy - Thanks for your suggestion. In my reclamation yard we have installed settlement platform 1m*1m steel plate at bottom and connected with 3cm pipe to certain elevation to measure the total settlement due to 4.5m height reclamation sand fill on the backyard area. The maximum settlement...
To - Oldestguy
Thanks for your straight forward reply towards my request. Since there are many consultant and client are just limit their criteria during the tender without having enough Geotechnical information. We have awarded this EPC project by underestimating the ground improvement...
We have taken all consideration including slope stability FS>1.5 in the revetment and other structures. we have calculated the possibility of sliding away the soil between consecutive columns – 2 to 3 m of shear failure zone which is okay in the replacement ratio of Controlled modulus column...
To oldestguy - Based on settlement calculation with reference to geotechnical investigation data, we have computed and measured the total settlement will go up to 850mm and it can be restricted upto 300 mm settlement after ground improvement such as CMC with minimum spacing of 2m with 450 mm...
Dear all,
We AFCONS Infrastructure Limited has been awarded by Terminal Industrial Polyvalent de San Pedro (TIPSP, the Employer) the EPC contract to construct and expand the dry bulk terminal at the Port of San Pedro in Ivory Coast.
2 berths, revetment, dredging, onshore structures and...