It's true that GTAW gives good root but if you prefer higher productivity you can switch to GMAW-STT that is a type of GMAW process with which root can be effectively welded. Please have a look at this link: GMAW-STT (Surface Tension Transfer) for CS
Please have a look at this link that suggests filler metals for similar and dissimilar materials welding: Filler metal, preheat and PWHT selection guide.
Moreover for some specific cases of dissimilar material welding you could have a look at these links:
Monel 400 (UNS...
It's true that GTAW gives good root but if you prefer higher productivity you can switch to GMAW-STT that is a type of GMAW process with which root can be effectively welded. Please have a look at this link: GMAW-STT (Surface Tension Transfer) for CS
API 6D doesn't require obligatory NDTs. Instead, if your client requires NDTs then you shall perform them as specified in Annex A of API 6D. For example if MT on welds is specified by the customer, you shall perform it as specified in clause A.13 of Annex A. Please have a look at this...
Regarding your original query, please let me add that the requirement for UT depends on the applicable code and customer requirements
Please note that "non-magnetic" isn't a restriction to perform UT as it is for MT since UT doesn't require the magnetic properties of a steel.
UT is widely used for austenitic stainless steels like SS 316 even though the austenitic structure makes it difficult to detect...
I agree with metengr's recommended practice though I would like to highlight that the 316 filler metal shall be used to finish up the welding if the welding overlay of CS pipe has been externally performed. Otherwise, if it has been internally performed, you shall finsih up the welding...
Since andysf wrote "25/12 casting", I suppose it is in accordance with ASTM A 447 (standard specification for steel castings, Chromium-Nickel-Iron Alloy, 25-12 Class, for high-temperature service) and even though the chemical composition of E309 is closer to that steel than the...
As per API 1104 a change in base material constitutes an essential variable and for that reason all materials are grouped as follows:
a. SMYS (specified minimum yield strength) =< 42 Kpsi
b. 42 Kpsi < SMYS < 65 Kpsi
c. for materials with SMYS >= 65 Kpsi, each grade shall receive a...
I agree with metengr that E309 welding consumable is a good choice for such a welding though I would like to highlight that it is recommended only for standard temperature service (SFA-5.4, A7.10, E309 states: "Embrittlement or cracking can occur if these dissimilar steel welds are...
As stated in AWS D10.10 hydrogen bake out is performed to remove hydrogen from material prior to manufacture, fabrication or repair activity. So the process is used not only after welding or repair welding but also in some cases before welding when the base metal contains hydrogen...
With regard to your question for annealing/stress relieving, please have a look at SFA-5.4, A7.12, E309L that states: "Embrittlement or cracking can occur if these dissimilar steel welds are subjected to a post weld heat treatment or to service above 700 degree F". So, as Metengr told...
Please let me add that the existing qualification doesn't qualify for your production welding since the essential variable 6.2.2 (d) doesn't apply (the qualification has been done on 16" circumferential weld and you are to weld 6" circumferential weld and thus you shall change outside...
I don't agree with you since the API 1104 doesn't specify that branch welder qualification test shall be done only if it is a project requirement.
Since it is for full penetration welding you shall follow the 6.5.1, Figure 12 for single qualification or you shall perform multiple...
Even you have not told us the applicable code, the 10.3 mm could qualify for such a variety of thicknesses to the majority of codes