I need to get some numbers associated with this problem. Here's what I came up with (I understand there are a lot of assumptions that would need to be verified)
Understood, thank you.I really appreciate everybody's help. The baseline heating system for the DHW is a gas fired steam boiler. The electric rate is $0.15 per kWh and the gas rate is $0.65 per therm. As for load use, you are correct I would need some sort of trending data here
Thank you for the information. Lets say we make the following assumptions:COP of 2.5. Temp in = 50. Temp out = 150. Is there any way I can calculate the savings based on this information and any other assumptions that need to be made?
A customer has a central chilled water and steam plant that runs continuously year-round. Domestic hot water is created from the steam plant. The estimated hot water needed annually is 23,267 MMBTUs. The proposed measure is to install 4 water source heat pumps to heat the domestic hot water. The...