Hi Group,
I need to specify connection between back-to-back channels to the bottom chord of the joist. The channels are there to support pipe hangers. The total load at each end of the channel will be 1500 lb.
I am envisioning a connection similar to the one below. Instead of full length rod...
Ducts are simply resting on pressure-treated wood on insulation - the duct supports are not tied to the roof structure. The duct self-weight is not enough to resist the uplift.
Also, attaching the guy-wire straight down to the joist is complex as typically I provide a spacer HSS below the top...
I understand the need to resolve the torsion via stiffeners and kickers - however - the challenge is that there is no access to any of the beams from below. There are lots of services below roof framing making it difficult to reach any location. Therefore I am trying to explore other creative...
This will require the stub baseplate to be directly at the top of the joist - I may have to consider vertical legs attached to the anchor base plate so that it can be connected to the beam on wither side of the joist shoe. I can also specify strengthening the joist shoe weld to the beam. This...
Hi Group,
I need to provide guy wire anchors to support the mechanical duct for wind uplift. The wires will be installed at roughly 45-60 degree angle and the guy wire anchor will consist of a round HSS tube with eye-bolt and base plate that will be welded to the roof beam top flange.
Hi Group,
The client wants to use a metal deck with checkered plate in a penthouse floor. Note that the metal deck is the primiary structural element supporting the selfweight of the floor and and other live loads - the checkered plate on top will be only 1/4" thick plate with epoxy finish to...
Thank you for the feedback.
In terms of the pile cap design, Timothy Mays - Design Guide for Pile Caps analyzes the pile based on the sectional method instead of strut & tie. In the Canadian code, the concrete design handbook indicates a sectional method resulting in tension reinforcement that...
Thank you!
This is good information.
I did find the design guide you mentioned. It is useful and also comes with an Excel file for quick calculation of the pile cap.
For a 200 kN load, I am getting a pile depth of 762mm. It seems quite deep for a cap but I guess it is what it is.
Hi Group,
I am seeking some guidance on designing a concrete pile cap for a foundation supported by helical piles. I am adding a new column inside an existing building to allow roof framing modification for new roof openings. The column is interior and will not be resisting any lateral load...
Following this post for some further guidance.
@mountaineers19 did you find any useful references to complete the design?
I am having to design a similar connection. An added challenge to my situation is that the hanging load comes with a stainless steel plate. I am thinking of using...
Lapping the new dowels will require about a 500mm hole into the existing footing close to the existing rebar location on all 4 sides. I think there will be issues with bars at the corners hitting each other and also, concrete splitting.
I am thinking of providing dowels...
Hi Group,
I have a 2.7m x 2.7m wide-spread footing with a 0.6x0.6 pier. The client is adding a rooftop unit that results in bearing pressure greater than the allowable based on the record drawing.
In the past, I have underpinned the existing footing by pouring a larger pad below the existing...
Hi All,
I have an existing concrete floor beam that is designed for a certain floor live load. However, the client is installing a piece of equipment that will result in an area load larger than the design floor load. There is no information available on the reinforcing of the beam.
I am...
Hi Group,
Contractor working on one of our project has cut through the foundation wall at the corner. The corner is detailed as a column as it supports loading from two levels above. Any suggestions how to reinstate the capacity?
I was thinking of thickening the corner on the inside or...
Hi Group,
Please refer to the image below. The photo is from an exterior stair framing from a low to a high roof. All framing members were originally galvanized. We have observed rust stains primarily at the joint locations and for the life of me, I am not able to figure out why galvanized...
Thanks, Everyone!
I have calculated the capacity of the cracked section using open section properties however, I am not sure how to account for bulging and if bulging will reduce the capacity of the post significantly.
Can creating a FEM with plate elements help? I can apply all axial loads...
Hi Group,
Point 1: I have a 10" x 10" x 5/8" HSS stub post for an equipment platform that has a crack running in the vertical direction along one of the corners. The post also has some bulging on the sides. The post is adequately designed for the loads. However, I am unclear what may have...