Thank you.
Yes, I have already compared the Environement varible and on both PC it go to a network share. And the variable are the same.
What exactly do the "m-Plot" when we click on it ? I mean the porcess after clicking.
The .icn file for each users where modified in 2007... It's look like they are OK.
Another idea where to look ?
Perhaps a configuration or somenthing to install on the client PC ?
Thank you for your answer. Via a custom button on the right side. M-Plot is installed on a network share and is working fine on 3 others PC.
I'm using the same windows logon, it's a not a right issue. I think something is missing or a wrong configuration.
Thank you
I've a big problem with I-deas and M-plot.
M-PLOT is working on 3 Pc's, but now I've an issue with a new PC I've just installed I-deas on it.
When I'm in I-Deas, "Design" - "Master Drafting" and select M-PLOT, I got this error : "Error Program file by given name cannot be found"