Hello all,
I want to bring out a strange case that has been happening with my job.
I have modelled the Ladaveze model for composite failure in a Vumat routine. The model is for plane stress formulation.
I have created a shell geometry the usual way and doing a single element test selecting...
Many thanks for sharing the routine MechIrl. Really appreciate it!
I was away for a while so couldn't reply earlier. I'm looking at a different formulation insead of using the node details..so waiting to see if the reults are good enough.
So it might happen that I finally don't have to use the...
Hello all,
I just noticed that the title problem of this post had been solved and I have moved into new areas. Hence, it is appropriate to close this post.
I see that adding certain additional stiffness by means of hourglassing control to my model has prevented the projectile penetrating into...
Yeah..that is one way of doing it but as you said not ideal. Can you share how you are doing this but? I'm sorry I know only as much Fortran as just to make my routine work. I'm learning more about it on the fly.
Hello all,
I'l looking for some suggestions on how to get the node co-ordinate data and element connectivity for use in a Vumat routine. I need to perform some integration with this data in my routine. The keyword list gives the coordinate of the material points and characteristic length of the...
Thank you guys..I did try dat but found nothing of the sort of a clue to the problem.
It appears that may be it is something to do with the formulation itself. So I'm working on it now. Lets c wer dat takes me.
I have to start another post for a related but different query. Will visit here in a...
Well..actually that had been done already. I have read through most of the posts regarding this error in the past. I have ensured that my scratch directory also has enough space.
One of the things which now I can say with some confidence is that unless there is some genuine memory problems in...
Do not get discouraged by the commments. The community is extremely helpful but just that might have got ticked off because of your query (basic) on rigid body motion. I wouldn't go into that but lets talk about the solution of your current problem.
I'm assuming that your impactor...
Thank You gwolf2 for the encouraging comments and thank you Ron for clarifying the deformation scale factor.
As proposed before, I formulated a new Vumat to run with an isotropic material and single damage variable which either is 0 or 1. The damage variable becomes 1 when damage is detected...
Thank you for the reply Rob.
In the past days I modified the properties of the target plate to represent an isotropic material and it appears that it runs fine. The projectile doesn't penetrate the plate but only bends as needed.
I then ran it with the same isotropic material with a damage...
Hello all,
Before submission of my query, I would like to appreciate the forum members helping each other out through great suggestions. I seek a new one to solve my problem too.
Model: I'm simulating an Impact problem in Abaqus Explicit for a 3D composite plate made of 21 plies and meshed with...
I'm also in the process of simulating an Impact problem similar to yours and had come across this problem. I don't remember exactly what I changed but it had to do with the definition of the reference point on the body and assigning it a mass. Also, make sure that the other BC's in the...