Know a little about computers, but need to know where do i start to learn how to interface and link up with control device like controlling motors/switches/ timers/ data aquisistion / testing devices using osciloscopes on computers/dvms/memory recordes etc. I would like very much just to be able...
jbartos,sound like an idea, I give a try, a lot of time i can explain what i am trying to convey by a logic flow dia.
play me dum, but how is it going to tranfer to this forum stuff?
jbartos sent you a response on another tread, kind of got cut off on the email. Got an ideas wher i can get some software and a pc link for this, not to many place to buy stuff for this type of work unless you want radio shack boo-oo. This is dead when it comes to hi-tech stuff. Hi-tech to...
jbartos, you've kind of got what I am looking for and what to go to, I know there's got to be some pre-made software around to do this It would make things a lot easer to deal with. I got the people I am dealing convence to buy the computer, I've got to find a interface to link my test panel to...
Jbartos, thanks for you responce. Here's what happening. I am going to set up a testing device that will test ten timer delay type device, each one has a control pot to adjust for min/max timing. I want two use a two totalrizer two read the min/max settings of each, switching from the first...
How do you take some sort of clock count and write this information into a signal memory chip. then read that information out of the chip and displaying it on to a digital dispaly????
don1 , kep: thank you very much for the info, this is what i was hope you could do for me. as soon as i can found a san quite conner which my shaddow has already given up on and left the building for the nearest outback for some r&r while the howlers are bring the new year with an english...
got a problem, got a automated tester, program at written in c 1.1, the person that build this device nolonger here, can not upgrade this device or software because of hardware. Me I know a little about basic, have lots of dum dum c books and qbasic books to read, but need to found some starting...
I want to thank don01 and jabtos for responding so fast and you both where right on, I am in the panic mode. I am the only tech eng on a floor of some 140 women, none of them pretty, I've more project then the white house has criminal records hahaha, only one thing to do, it them up one at a...
I am looking for the all time answer to a question.
If I was going to get into understanding what some one is doing in a c program and the guy that program this thing died. where would I begin to start my learning process, understand his program, so I might pick where he left of, keeping in...