I've a circuit built on simulink in which I use a 3-phase PLL block to track the stator voltage phase of an asynchronous generator and then make some math operations (subtract by pi/2 rads and then subtract by the electrical rotor angular position like the second image bellow)to apply on a...
I've a circuit on simulink which take more than a hour to simulate. Sometimes, during this simulations, my matlab just shutdown and I can't see any results. Do anyone know why this happens and how to prevent it?!
I've a system built on simulink which includes an asynchronous machine working as a generator, feeded by a torque applied from a turbine (it's not a wind turbine/system). The system works ok when I use the asynchronous machine with a squirrel cage rotor (constant speed) but I want to...
I need a block similar to the step to use on simulink but I need one, which gives me final values at different instants. For example:
Initial value = 0
Final Value (at 100 seconds) = 1
Final Value (at 200 seconds) = 2
Final Value (at 300 seconds) = 3
How can I do this?
Thanks in advance!
Like the image below I want to use a block from simulink which allow me to plot the mean value (green line) of a sinusoidal function (blue line). I've tried the block "mean value (linear)" but it just gave me another sinusoidal function with less amplitude compared to the original. Can...
I've a circuit on simulink where I collect three phase currents and voltages from a measuremnt bus and then use them in blocks of abc-to-dq transformation. When I run the circuit for the first time I get the following message:
This algebraic loop may be resolved when the subsystem...
I want built a system on simulink where I've an a assynchronous motor with squirrel cage rotor driving an a assynchronous generator to test if my the control system of the generator is working. So my system is something like the image bellow. My problem is that I dont know if the block...
I've a circuit built on simulink which is presenting 2 errors like the ones on the images bellow. This two errors appears to be related with the dq signal of the block "abc-to-dq". Probably I cant use a Demux to work with this signal. Can someone tell me how can I get the isolated...
I want to build in simulink a specific circuit that includes an asyncronous machine (DFIG) connected to the grid. I have saw some examples on the internet and in most of them, it's used buses like the one pointed by the red arrow in the image bellow. My question is, why use these buses...
Well I have two inputs. One of them, for now, is constant the other is a sinusoidal function. These two inputs combine in a specific formula which gives a value that I must then match in a performance curve. How do I build a block wich is a "performance curve"? Use some kind of array?
I want to use a performance curve of a turbine in a simulink diagram. Can anyone tell me if there is a block or a tool in simulink wich I can use to put this characteristic curve?
Tks in advance!
I want to write the following function in a m file but I really dont know ho to put the series in matlab language. Can someone help me to to put the following function on matlab?
I want also that the step of the series to be 0.01 and not 1.
I'll have to applie a laplace transform later...