Hi ffaabbiioo,
This is the SAP2000 model. The loadcase where I need to obtain the results is "ARTIFICIAL".
Hi again ffaabbiioo,
I am Jose Ruiz and I am from Peru. I tried with your code and it didn't work and I had an error with the following message:
"Error using SimSAP2000 (line 80)
No appropriate method, property, or field 'JointDispl' for class 'SAP2000v19.wAnalysisResults'."
Please I would...
Hi ffaabbiioo,
I have a similar problem with the comand:
AnalysisResults.JointDispl(PointName2, SAP2000v19.eItemTypeElm.ObjectElm, NumberResults, Obj, Elm, ACase, StepType, StepNum, U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3);
I try to use a form to save my SAP2000 results (points displacements) in a matriz...
I ask you for your help in order to find the right way to save my results from a model analysis in SAP2000 through MATLAB using API. I already have the code but it doesn't work well beacause I need to save the results (in this case are points displacements) in a vector or matrix which will...