- Mar 25, 2017
- 3
Hello friends
I am studying the SAP2000-Matlab API.
I succeeded in the commands: "SAPModel.Results.FrameJointForce" and "SapModel.Results.ModalParticipatingMassRatios".
However, I'm trying to get the properties of the frames section.
"Frame section properties - General".
This command follows the same process as the previous ones and I do not know why I can not.
Command: "SapModel.PropFrame.GetGeneral"
Error: No 'GetGeneral' method with matching match found for class 'Interface.C2196046_B336_42DE_81FC_B82C14CAA123'.
feature('COM_SafeArraySingleDim', 1);
feature('COM_PassSafeArrayByRef', 1);
SapObject = actxserver('sap2000.SapObject');
SapModel = SapObject.SapModel;
FileName = 'C:\Users\Fábio\Desktop\Model\Model10.sdb';
ret = SapModel.File.OpenFile(FileName);
Name = cellstr('');
FileName1 = cellstr('');
Notes = cellstr('');
GUID = cellstr('');
MatProp = cellstr('');
t3 = reshape(0:1,2,1);
t2 = reshape(0:1,2,1);
Area = reshape(0:1,2,1);
As2 = reshape(0:1,2,1);
As3 = reshape(0:1,2,1);
Torsion = reshape(0:1,2,1);
I22 = reshape(0:1,2,1);
I33 = reshape(0:1,2,1);
S22 = reshape(0:1,2,1);
S33 = reshape(0:1,2,1);
Z22 = reshape(0:1,2,1);
Z33 = reshape(0:1,2,1);
R22 = reshape(0:1,2,1);
R33 = reshape(0:1,2,1);
Color = 1
[COLOR=#EF2929]ret = SapModel.PropFrame.GetGeneral('5', FileName1, MatProp, t3, t2, Area, As2, As3, Torsion, I22, I33, S22, S33, Z22, Z33, R22, R33, Color, Notes, GUID)[/color]
Could someone help me?