At the moment we are only storing relatively small amounts of data - a few 100k. We've done this in the past with battery backed RAM, and its worked fine.
I guess you are thinking why change to Compact Flash?
We would like to use Compact Flash as it could be swapped between instruments...
I felt I had to defend C on the PIC!
To me its a handy tool, which used at the right time can be very useful. In fact in the past I've heard many engineers rave about it. I would agree that C programs can easily get too large, and the stack gets used up very quickly too. But its good for...
Basically there are 2 types of regulator, linear (sometimes called analogue) and switching.
A linear regulator will simply 'drop' the extra voltage across it, so you put in 12V get out 6V and the extra
6V voltage you do not need is 'dropped' across the regulator IC. The problem with this as...
I am working on a battery operated instrument where I want to store medium ammounts of data and download it later to a PC. I thought Compact Flash would be an ideal solution for the memory storage area, but I'm not running an operating system like DOS or Windows on my instrument which it seems...