Do you plan on locating and orienting hole #1 to datums? Do you want hole #3 located and oriented to the datums that located and oriented hole #1 or do you want a new datum structure based off of hole #1?
My work has a IHS license where I can download everything y14. Y14.5.2 is often said to be a waste of money. I don't believe you need it, but it might be nice to have because it has the individual topics from the standard that it expects you to know for the test. But that stuff can often be...
Some interesting parts from Y14.5.2 after a quick skim over:
"2.2.3 Equivalencies. Note that ASME Y14.5-2009 is not equivalent to ASME Y14.5M-1994. Successfully passing the ASME Y14.5-2009 examination does not confer certification to ASME Y14.5M-1994. Successfully passing the ASME Y14.5M-1994...
I was kinda in the same boat and took the lead on learning Cabling. I had the project pay for the training that PTC offers and that helped a bit. Most of the time I was learning the hard way.
That is the method I recommend.
Cable Assembly
-Connector 1
-Connector 2
Make Shrinkwrap default constraint, constrain connectors to Shrinkwrap, designate connectors and their entry ports, route cable from connector 1 to connector 2, route cable and place locations on...
Thank you, nsgoldberg.
I would assume that the Pro/E designers didn't think to look through the standard for alternative methods. They only looked at page 43. This is probably the reason 2009 have a more in depth example section. Before you get to work on making your own symbols, check out...
Number 1 is not possible unless you draw it in yourself. And it doesn't change with Creo 2.0.
You are right to be frustrated. PTC is still using the Datum tag methods from the ASME Y14.5-1994 standard and didn't change anything when 2009 came around. They a few other symbols and but they...
Well you can't see the bolded in quotes can you? This is why you hit preview first...
As for location of coordinate system, it can be anywhere - even on the Moon. The logic behind simultaneous requirements is that all features referencing to the same datum references, in the same order of...