Now that I think about it, I think I've run into this before too. I just draw a circle and then draw 2 lines to define the arc segment I want, then trim the circle. Maybe there is a setting in the Options menu that allows you to change it. Does it really matter which direction the arc goes...
If you have things on one layer you want to hide, change the active layer to a different one, then turn off the layer you don't want visible. Don't use the default layer, create one yourself.
You could make your points by creating a small diameter circle and then adding a Hatch/Fill.
Possibly, the correct way to fix it is to give the point thickness. Select one of the points, Right click to open the Properties dialog box (or open it first, then select a point). The 7th box down is...
I don't know of a "replace object" command. If the objects are evenly spaced, you can make a Rectangular Array to create a pattern from a single object.
Also, you might want to read the help instructions regarding "Blocks". If you make a pattern of 1120 circles or rectangles, you can group...
You could create a block from your 2 characters "x" & "..".
Type "bmake", or you can get to it through the menus, though I don't recall exactly how. You pick the objects you want in the block, then you have to pick an insertion point. When you need it, you just insert the block.
That is a pointer option in AutoCad, or more specifically a coordinate entry option. I don't remember what it is called exactly or how to turn it ON/OFF. I think it came out with AutoCad 2007 or 2008. It was definitely on 2010. I don't think DraftSight has that option.
You might want to print it at 1/16" = 1', then take it to a copy store and have them enlarge it onto some special paper size, maybe 12x18 or something. They can enlarge it by 200% and the result will be at 1/8" = 1'. Remember to set your resolution to the maximum when you print your small...
OK, I was tying as you posted. You can't print that on 8.5x11. You can print it at 1/16" = 1'. which will require a printable area of 5.625" x 7.5".
It won't even work at 3/32" = 1' (1:128).
I don't mean to insult you, but the fact that you have to ask this question means that it will take some effort to answer it.
First, to print something "to scale", your paper needs to be large enough to accommodate the printed area. So if you have a 90' x 120' area you are trying to print...
Manuel, I don't understand the issue you are having. Entering a line with the keyboard works the same in DraftSight as it does in AutoCad. I think I remember that you have to select the option to display the command line. It seems like I recall doing that.
A .500 dia. end mill will cut it rather easily.
If you are trying to cut the .500 dia. hole with, for instance, a .075 dia. "Dremel" type cutter, you will have to make multiple passes. A spiral or concentric circles.
I was thinking it was there, but now I'm not so sure. I recall it was an "Express Tools" add-on for AutoCAD several years ago, then I thought they included it in newer versions, so I thought DS would have it too.