680F is Just above the value were ASME begins derating material strength because of temperature (600F) Ideally you would look at both pressure and temperature extremes and design for the worst case. If this is AN ASME vessel Check the CODE plate attached to the vessel you might already be...
1> Design the vessel for the max temperature possible, (ideal for new system)
2> the blow down system need to be redundant, not part of the normal process control.
3> it needs to be a fail-safe system, i.e. loss of signal causes system to activate
4> it need to have controlled access, i.e. plant...
I have also used a PSV and a rupture disc in combination
Design the PSV for process upsets and the rupture disc for fire case since the disk is both temperature and pressure sensitve.
The answer to this question is always room for debate!
1. Good pratice says slope and trap to the excess, if you have ever seen An 8" elbow separate because of water hammer start-up you will understand.
2. Because you specifed slope dosen't mean your contractor installed it that way.
You Might want to look at Cam-Set, This is the higher end of the spectical bline market but has some really nice features if it will be used a lot.
MFG Fetterolf Corporation
You have talkd about pipe but in most instances the rating of you flanges is the limitng factor of your piping system.
These rating are based on leakage as well as pressure contament, leakage typically being the controling factor.
It perty simple B31.1 is power piping (read this as steam)
B31.3,is chemical piping or any thing that's not steam
The big differnce is the safety factor use in the calcuation
b31.1 is more strigent ie higher safety factor/more inspection.
Car-seal open / closed is typical a sytem put in place to re duce human error. inadvertantly closing an valvethatneeds to remain open like a bolck valve under a relief valve for serviceing the releif valve while operating.
Usually there are procedures specifc to the process for the removal of...