I know Ecocera and Blome. Blome are being run by an ex Henkel guy. Blome are a small version of Ergon, selling chemical resistant mortars, coatings and membranes. The GI-180 material is of a lower quality than Pennguard Block (lower density and less boron). What exactly are you wanting? Perhaps...
Ergon Armor now own Henkel (Corrosion Engineering). The Pennguard Block product is now part of the Ergon portfolio of materials. Ergon are manufacturing mortars, screeds and membranes. Pittsburgh Corning produce the Borosilicate glass block, labelled for Ergon as Pennguard Block. Equivalent...
I believe that Pennguard Block is manufactured by Pittsburgh Corning. Hadek are a marketing/design/installer of the Pennguard product. There are alternative manufacturers of both the Borosilicate Block and the Elastomeric Adhesive.