I finally got the strap for the hand winch. Attached are pictures of the idea that I have. At the picture taking end would be the "anchor", and the concrete wall end is the "load". Does this picture help with estimating mechanical...
@compositepro, The drum of the winch is 1 1/2". I have a jam nut on the input so I can have any size input lever that I want. The factory length crank handle is 7", however, I have breaker bars and ratchets that are 7", 11", and 17 1/2". The particular winch that I have is a 2" strap winch, so I...
Hello all,
I am fairly new to the realm of mechanical advantage, but i have a fairly decent grip on how simple, compound, and complex pulley systems work. Do gear ratios compound the mechanical advantage of pulley systems? I have a set of fours (block and tackle pulley system) that has the...