thanks again for the responses, There must be some thing I'm missing, and hopefully some thing rather simple.
i have attached some of my Input file to see if anyone can stop a mistake,
Within the Spectrum i have the damping ratio set to zero as its a fraction of the critical damping ratio...
This really driving me nuts, i have spent the last few days trying to get a Response Spectrum to work to no avail.
I have even built a very simple model to evaluate it but nothing.
As far as i can tell i have every thing in place correctly, the Spectrum is defined after the boundary conditions...
I have been thru the documentation a number of times but i can't get my head around this section, it is not as well explained as some other areas, I'll battle on for another while,
I will try the definition again, fingers crossed
Thanks for your help xerf. [sorry i got your name...
hi xref,
I have found the location for the Definition to go in within the keywords editor,
what i'm having trouble with is the actual definition lines, for the spectrum.
The date lines as they call them, do i need to define lines for every frequency interval from 20-200Hz etc.
I have zero...
Can anyone help me with the definition of a Spectrum within CAE, its in relation to a response spectrum analysis to recreate the base excitation of a component.
No one in my University has ever tackled this and they won't pay for support.
I'm trying to recreate a 1G test at 3.5mm from...
Hi, haven't been back to this in a while,
can someone assist in helping me defining a SPECTRUM that sweeps from 10Hz to 100Hz. Can it be done? Is there any other method that can be used?
I have been trying do define one with no luck.
Also how do i view the results as CAE only shows one...
Hi all,
I'm very new to ABAQUS and i am having a bit of trouble setting up a dynamic analysis.
I'm trying to recreate a harmonic response test of a model. I have the modal analysis completed and the results are satisfactory. I now wish to recreate the test peformed on the vibration bed.
It is...