@ metengr/DVWE/Weldstan - thank you, your experience and knowledge is greatly appreciated.
To your point Weldstan(right, wrong or indifferent) we have submitted PQRs/WPSs and samples of P1 to P15E which passed tensile/pull/bend tests in case we HAD to do this per the customer's specification...
Thanks guys.
Ed, to answer your question - Minimum code temps per ASME B31 are "approximations" which I thought were based on this table and carbon content % (Table 129.3.1 in the ASME code book and table 132 PWHT).
As referenced by METENGR previously, Table 129.3.1 lists Approximate Lower...
Thanks Metengr, I completely understand what you're saying.
Is there any merit/relevance in referencing the iron-cementite phase diagram and taking .19% C straight up to the lower limit of the austenite transformation phase line, then moving left and coming to about 1500°F? (see image below, I...
I am having a bit of a problem getting an exact answer from our PWHT Vendor on bringing some 516 gr70 up past 1340°F/1305°F (1340 is max allowable before the carbon transforms, 1305 is a safety factor) I understand his logic, that embrittlement will occur as the carbon content shifts to...
The tanks will contain air only, and will NEED to be ASME code stamped. We have both a U and U2 certification - Not sure if that makes a difference. Max test temp is about 120*F.
I was basically looking for material with similar properties to the x70, that WOULD be allowable under section 8...
I would like an opinion (or better) on whether or not 516-70n (normalized) is a suitable material replacement for API5LX70 (X70) for construction of a pressure vessel - giving consideration to modulus, ksi, etc of both materials (I believe they are similar enough).
vessel design criteria is as...