Thanks to everyone that has chimed in. I really appreciate the feedback and help.
The pressure on that shaft driving forward should be approximately 400 lbs of axial load, caused by the high pressure water hitting the exposed area of the shaft/seal. 40,000 PSI of water pressure and an exposed...
Hi. Thanks for the basic information. I've attached a section view of the model as it sits now.
The water will enter through the brown adapter on the right hand side. It should generate no more than 400 lbs of axial thrust on the shaft/disc/seal combo. The radial bearings are a slip fit to be...
Hi.. 1st time posting here and not an engineer by trade so I appreciate any help/guidance and will do my best to be clear.
I have designed a small water rotational swivel. It is essentially a housing with a shaft through it. The shaft has 2 radial bearings on it. The housing is sealed on both...