what happens if we increase Air pressure in combustion reaction?
Is it safe to have Natural gas at high pressure (70 Bars) in combustion reactor?
Why do we have to control fuel flow rate but not oxygen?
Can some help to find material of construction for pump using
Therminol 59 at 355 F.Please also provide some evidence like text book or rule of thumb.Because i need to convince my manager.
thank allot.
Hello Every One:
Under What cercumstances API 520 recommends 34D1
Size PSV(Thermal Conditions). Doesn't it depends on thickness of pipe.Do we have to use 3/4D1 PSV for all and every situation.
Thanks allot
Hi Engineers:
in API book it is mentioned that for Thermal Relief Valve use 3/4D1 Psv. Can some explain me that do we have to use this size all the time. Even if the Temperature can go up to 500F or 1000F.
Thanks Allot