Does anyone or has anyone experienced axial grooves(crank to head)all the way around(360 degrees) a cylinder of a reciprocating compressor? This is our 3rd time this has happened. We're also breaking distance piece to cylinder bolts on the low end. Any experience on this matter would be great. I...
Can anyone give me some advice in designing one? Right now, my design is a simple lever arm. It has a pivot point and counter weight. It also has a wheel to allow the arm to rotate. The arm is a circular pipe inside another circular pipe, this allow for translation and rotation. Any feedback on...
Well, I tried a different approach. Tell me if I'm doing this right. Same approach, just solving for v1. This is at the exit point.
Here, I just assumed A1=A2. Then let V2=(rho1/rho2*V1). I end up with 452 ft/s for V1.
...Z2=15 ft
I got the density for the different pressures. Then, like insult said, used convervation of mass to be able to solve for V2.
I also used mathcad to check my calculations. I went through the calcualation several times. I dont see...
No, this is not my real name, my real name is Hoang Le. Wayne Lee is easier to pronouce and if I was given a american name, then this would be it.
Yes it does contain liquid in the vessel. Are you saying that I could have a two phase mixture on my hands. If pressure and temperature are small and the height doesn't change then, along a stream line it is constant. I still dont know what the velocity upstream or downstream. All I have...
I believe it is a gas supply. It is supplied from a 6050 gallon vessel, which then flow through a vaporizer.
Big Inch
I dont believe I have access to an oriface plate. Unless I am not understanding something, are you referring to bernoulli's equation or is that the actual equation?
Well, the only way know how to solve the problem is: assume ideal gas and use equation of state.
(180+14.7)psia*24000scfh=(80+14.7)psia*V2 (neglect temperature change)
I end up with 900 scfm
Tell me, is this is a sufficient enough answer to size my flow meter?
Also, I am...
Is it safe to use bernoulli's equation and neglect any any elevation change.
let v2 be negligible
Solving for v1 gives me p2-p1=-80psi
Can I just take the absolute value? To solve for v1 I would need a positive number under the square root. However...
Im sorry, I meant to put 48,000 scfh. There is a meter on the tank outside of what level of liquid argon is left in the tank. Maybe I could see if there is some type of delivery record. The pipe size is 1 inch and schedule is 40. Also, could I just put a anemometer at the end of the hose that...
Well, I need the flow rate going to the purging system. This is the 80 psi end of the regulator. There is at least 100 yard(estimate) of piping and who know how many bends. There is also a elevation change of about one story, so lets say 20 ft. The temp leaving the vaporizer, right before going...