Hi Lottol
As regards Steam Turbines refer to -
Modern Power Station Practice compiled by British Electricity International, London. Published by Pergamon Press. It is probably volume C you want which is - 'Turbines, Generators and Associated Plant'. Hope this helps. This has been written by...
Hi Tom
In my experience (on large units) the turbine manufacturer will have designed the unit to meet the specified terminal steam conditions, heat rate along with a specified range of cooling water temperatures/flows or exhaust pressures. As such the steam quality (in terms of wetness) is...
Best efficiency can ussually only be achieved at the expense of raising the potential for last stage blade erosion. In my experience with larger units it has always been necessary to design for this by choice of blade materials, hard facings or the fitment of suitable erosion shields. It is also...
Variation in nozzle geometry, trailing edge thickness and axial gap are important factors in shorter higher frequency blading and can lead to unacceptable blade vibration. In particular for the blading you describe it is important to look for diaphragm half joint discontinuities and possible...